Counterterrorism Bookshelf: 50 Books on Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism-Related Subjects

Counterterrorism Bookshelf: 50 Books on Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism-Related Subjects This column consists of capsule reviews of books from various publishers. The reviews are listed in these sections:“Terrorism – General Accounts”,…
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We Know Where You Are, What You Are Doing and We Will Catch You Testing Deterrence Theory in Digital Drug Markets

We Know Where You Are, What You Are Doing and We Will Catch You Testing Deterrence Theory in Digital Drug Markets AbstractIs crime reduced by highly publicized punishment events? Is…
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Breaking Down Barriers: Recommendations for Improving Sexual Abuse Reporting Rates in British South Asian Communities

Breaking Down Barriers: Recommendations for Improving Sexual Abuse Reporting Rates in British South Asian Communities AbstractSexual abuse reporting rates, which are low in general, are thought to be even worse…
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The Assassination Complex: Inside The US Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Programme. By Jeremy Scahill and the Staff of the Intercept (Serpent’s Tail, 2016, 234 pp. £8.99)

The Assassination Complex: Inside The US Government’s Secret Drone Warfare Programme. By Jeremy Scahill and the Staff of the Intercept (Serpent’s Tail, 2016, 234 pp. £) The Assassination Complex: Inside…
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Coping with cyberbullying victimization: An exploratory study of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong

Coping with cyberbullying victimization: An exploratory study of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong Publication date: Available online 26 April 2017Source:International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice Author(s): Heng Choon (Oliver)…
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