The Effects of Changes in Dynamic Risk on Reoffending among Serious Juvenile Offenders Returning from Residential Placement

The Effects of Changes in Dynamic Risk on Reoffending among Serious Juvenile Offenders Returning from Residential Placement . Michael T. Baglivio Read the syndicated article here
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A Mixed Methods Empirical Examination of Changes in Emphasis and Style in the Extremist Magazines Dabiq and Rumiyah

A Mixed Methods Empirical Examination of Changes in Emphasis and Style in the Extremist Magazines Dabiq and Rumiyah The change in name of ISIS’s flagship English language magazine from Dabiq…
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Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence and Mental Health: Findings From a European Empowerment Project.

Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence and Mental Health: Findings From a European Empowerment Project. Objective: Research shows that women experiencing domestic violence and mental health problems often fall into gaps…
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The ATHENA equation – balancing the efficacy of citizens’ response with the reality of citizens’ rights around data protection

The ATHENA equation – balancing the efficacy of citizens’ response with the reality of citizens’ rights around data protection The Police Journal, Ahead of Print. Go to Source
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Nation’s Largest Nursing Home Pharmacy Company to Pay $124 Million to Settle Allegations Involving False Billings to Federal Health Care Programs

Nation’s Largest Nursing Home Pharmacy Company to Pay $124 Million to Settle Allegations Involving False Billings to Federal Health Care Programs Omnicare Inc., the nation’s largest provider of pharmaceuticals and…
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Criticizing Wisconsin’s Voter Id Statute, Attorney General Holder Pledges Aggressive Enforcement of Remaining Parts of Voting Rights Act

Criticizing Wisconsin’s Voter Id Statute, Attorney General Holder Pledges Aggressive Enforcement of Remaining Parts of Voting Rights Act On the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that struck down…
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