Justice Department Sues to Shut Down Mississippi Tax Return Preparer for Alledgedly Overstating Tax Refunds

Justice Department Sues to Shut Down Mississippi Tax Return Preparer for Alledgedly Overstating Tax Refunds The United States has requested that the federal district court in Jackson, Miss., permanently bar…
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Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Arapahoe, Colo., Sheriff’s Office to Resolve Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices

Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Arapahoe, Colo., Sheriff’s Office to Resolve Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices The Justice Department announced today that it has reached an agreement with the Arapahoe County,…
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Additional Charges Brought Against Tax Return Preparers Previously Charged with Helping Clients Hide Millions in Offshore Israeli Banks

Additional Charges Brought Against Tax Return Preparers Previously Charged with Helping Clients Hide Millions in Offshore Israeli Banks David Kalai and Nadav Kalai face additional charges after a federal grand…
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Diebold Incorporated Resolves Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Investigation and Agrees to Pay $25.2 Million Criminal Penalty

Diebold Incorporated Resolves Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Investigation and Agrees to Pay $ Million Criminal Penalty Diebold Inc. (Diebold), the Ohio-based provider of integrated self-service delivery and security systems, including…
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Attorney General Eric Holder Delivers Remarks at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference

Attorney General Eric Holder Delivers Remarks at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference The reality is that police don’t always have the luxury of time to get…
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Vietnamese National Charged in Widespread International Scheme to Steal and Sell Hundreds of Thousands of U.s. Persons’ Personally Identifiable Information

Vietnamese National Charged in Widespread International Scheme to Steal and Sell Hundreds of Thousands of Persons’ Personally Identifiable Information A Vietnamese national has been indicted in the District of New…
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Perspectives of Americans and Canadians on the use and function of sex offender registries

Perspectives of Americans and Canadians on the use and function of sex offender registries Publication date: Available online 3 November 2017Source:International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice Author(s): Sandy Jung,…
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