“Trust your instincts – act!” PREVENT police officers’ perspectives of counter-radicalisation reporting thresholds

“Trust your instincts – act!” PREVENT police officers’ perspectives of counter-radicalisation reporting thresholds . Paul Dresser Read the syndicated article here
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Risk, discretion, accountability and control: Police perceptions of sex offender risk management policy in England and Wales

Risk, discretion, accountability and control: Police perceptions of sex offender risk management policy in England and Wales Criminology &Criminal Justice, Ahead of Print. James Hoggett Read the syndicated article here
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Are the Deadliest Mass Shootings Preventable? An Assessment of Leakage, Information Reported to Law Enforcement, and Firearms Acquisition Prior to Attacks in the United States

Are the Deadliest Mass Shootings Preventable? An Assessment of Leakage, Information Reported to Law Enforcement, and Firearms Acquisition Prior to Attacks in the United States Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice,…
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Black Girls Doing Time for White Boys’ Crime? Considering Columbine’s Security Legacy Through an Intersectional Lens

Black Girls Doing Time for White Boys’ Crime? Considering Columbine’s Security Legacy Through an Intersectional Lens Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, Ahead of Print. Lynn A. Addington Read the syndicated…
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Unraveling the Intersecting Meanings of Interpersonal Violence: The Embodiment of Gender and Race in Attributions and Characterizations of Violence

Unraveling the Intersecting Meanings of Interpersonal Violence: The Embodiment of Gender and Race in Attributions and Characterizations of Violence . Robert L. Peralta Read the syndicated article here
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