Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Sichuan, China: Are There Gender Variations?

Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Sichuan, China: Are There Gender Variations? Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. An emerging body of research has linked intimate partner…
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PTSD as a Risk Factor for Chronic Gang Membership During Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Group-Based Trajectory Modeling Approach

PTSD as a Risk Factor for Chronic Gang Membership During Adolescence and Early Adulthood: A Group-Based Trajectory Modeling Approach Crime &Delinquency, Ahead of Print. This study sought to identify developmental…
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Patient Recruiter and Physical Therapist Sentenced in Connection with Detroit-area Medicare Fraud Schemes

Patient Recruiter and Physical Therapist Sentenced in Connection with Detroit-area Medicare Fraud Schemes Miami resident Timothy Pierce was sentenced today to 48 months in prison for his participation in a…
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Becoming industrious female citizens: Work, discipline, and negotiation in Chinese female prison

Becoming industrious female citizens: Work, discipline, and negotiation in Chinese female prison Publication date: Available online 26 July 2020Source: International Journal of Law, Crime and JusticeAuthor(s): Yiqian Hu, Liu Liu…
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Comparison of impulsivity, aggression and suicidality between prisoners in Nigeria who have committed homicide and those who have not

Comparison of impulsivity, aggression and suicidality between prisoners in Nigeria who have committed homicide and those who have not Abstract Most studies of prisoners, the nature of their offending and…
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Former U.S. Official Pleads Guilty to Abusive Sexual Contact and Possession of a Firearm While Unlawfully Using a Controlled Substance

Former Official Pleads Guilty to Abusive Sexual Contact and Possession of a Firearm While Unlawfully Using a Controlled Substance Andrew Warren, 42, a former official with the Central Intelligence Agency…
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