Financial Products and Services Firm, Two Executives and One Former Executive Indicted for Roles in Conspiracies Involving Proceeds of Municipal Bonds

Financial Products and Services Firm, Two Executives and One Former Executive Indicted for Roles in Conspiracies Involving Proceeds of Municipal Bonds A Beverly Hills, financial products and services firm, two…
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Psychosocial Separation and Women’s Disengagement From Prosecutions Against Abusive Intimate Partners in Spain

Psychosocial Separation and Women’s Disengagement From Prosecutions Against Abusive Intimate Partners in Spain Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. In order to end and “liberate” themselves from an abusive…
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Compassion-Focused Therapy: Proof of Concept Trial on Suicidal Ideation and Cognitive Distortions in Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence With PTSD

Compassion-Focused Therapy: Proof of Concept Trial on Suicidal Ideation and Cognitive Distortions in Female Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence With PTSD Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. This proof…
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