Perception of Gender Equality Matters: Targets’ Responses to Workplace Sexual Harassment in Chinese Metropolises

Perception of Gender Equality Matters: Targets’ Responses to Workplace Sexual Harassment in Chinese Metropolises Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. Workplace sexual harassment (WSH) has been recognized in the…
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Control Components Inc. Pleads Guilty to Foreign Bribery Charges and Agrees to Pay $18.2 Million Criminal Fine

Control Components Inc. Pleads Guilty to Foreign Bribery Charges and Agrees to Pay $ Million Criminal Fine Control Components Inc. (CCI), a Rancho Santa Margarita, company, pleaded guilty today to…
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YOT Talk: Examining the communicative influences on children’s engagement with youth justice assessment processes

YOT Talk: Examining the communicative influences on children’s engagement with youth justice assessment processes European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. This article presents an evidence-based analysis of the communicative…
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