Rethinking Prosecutorial Discretion: Towards A Moral Cartography of Prosecutors

Rethinking Prosecutorial Discretion: Towards A Moral Cartography of Prosecutors AbstractThis article examines the justifications that a group of prosecutors employs when coordinating human trafficking investigations in the Amazon. The study…
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Are All Politics National? County-Level Social Contexts and Inequality Remediation Attitudes, 2006 to 2012

Are All Politics National? County-Level Social Contexts and Inequality Remediation Attitudes, 2006 to 2012 Socius, Volume 7, Issue , January-December 2021. Despite growing economic inequality in recent decades, public support…
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Who Is At-Risk? An Examination of the Likelihood and Time Variation in the Predictors of Repeated Police Misconduct

Who Is At-Risk? An Examination of the Likelihood and Time Variation in the Predictors of Repeated Police Misconduct Police Quarterly, Ahead of Print. Increasing transparency and accountability in policing is…
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Modeling Individual Defiance of COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation Strategies: Insights From the Expanded Model of Deterrence and Protection Motivation Theory

Modeling Individual Defiance of COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation Strategies: Insights From the Expanded Model of Deterrence and Protection Motivation Theory Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print. The governmental responses to…
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Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale– Revised (PPTS-R): Empirical Investigation of Construct Validity and Dimensionality in a Forensic and Non-Forensic Sample

Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale– Revised (PPTS-R): Empirical Investigation of Construct Validity and Dimensionality in a Forensic and Non-Forensic Sample . Daniel Boduszek Read the syndicated article here
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