Justice Department Sues Fitchburg, Mass., Housing Authority for Disability Discrimination
Justice Department Sues Fitchburg, Mass., Housing Authority for Disability Discrimination The Department today filed suit against the Fitchburg Housing Authority in Fitchburg, Mass., and its Executive Director Robert W. Hill…
Rethinking Prosecutorial Discretion: Towards A Moral Cartography of Prosecutors
Rethinking Prosecutorial Discretion: Towards A Moral Cartography of Prosecutors AbstractThis article examines the justifications that a group of prosecutors employs when coordinating human trafficking investigations in the Amazon. The study…
U.S. Eviction Filing Patterns in 2020
Eviction Filing Patterns in 2020 Socius, Volume 7, Issue , January-December 2021. The coronavirus pandemic precipitated an economic crisis disproportionately affecting renter households. Attempting to prevent a surge in evictions,…
Are All Politics National? County-Level Social Contexts and Inequality Remediation Attitudes, 2006 to 2012
Are All Politics National? County-Level Social Contexts and Inequality Remediation Attitudes, 2006 to 2012 Socius, Volume 7, Issue , January-December 2021. Despite growing economic inequality in recent decades, public support…
Who Is At-Risk? An Examination of the Likelihood and Time Variation in the Predictors of Repeated Police Misconduct
Who Is At-Risk? An Examination of the Likelihood and Time Variation in the Predictors of Repeated Police Misconduct Police Quarterly, Ahead of Print. Increasing transparency and accountability in policing is…
Crime Diversity: Sociocultural Aspects of Femicide in Hong Kong
Crime Diversity: Sociocultural Aspects of Femicide in Hong Kong Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print. Despite Hong Kong’s ranking as having one of the lowest homicide rates worldwide, it…
Modeling Individual Defiance of COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation Strategies: Insights From the Expanded Model of Deterrence and Protection Motivation Theory
Modeling Individual Defiance of COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation Strategies: Insights From the Expanded Model of Deterrence and Protection Motivation Theory Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print. The governmental responses to…
Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale– Revised (PPTS-R): Empirical Investigation of Construct Validity and Dimensionality in a Forensic and Non-Forensic Sample
Psychopathic Personality Traits Scale– Revised (PPTS-R): Empirical Investigation of Construct Validity and Dimensionality in a Forensic and Non-Forensic Sample . Daniel Boduszek Read the syndicated article here
Justice Department &
Justice Department & The Department and IRS announced that over 14,700 taxpayers have come forward to report previously-undisclosed foreign bank accounts under the voluntary disclosure program the IRS implemented following…
Three Ohio Residents Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud for Fraudulent Real Estate Loan Scheme
Three Ohio Residents Plead Guilty to Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud for Fraudulent Real Estate Loan Scheme Todd Gongwer of Dublin, Ohio; Lance Parker of Dublin, Ohio; and Joel Lee,…
Columbus Woman Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering Conspiracy
Columbus Woman Pleads Guilty to Money Laundering Conspiracy Marsha K. Parenteau of Columbus, Ohio, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to commit money laundering. Parenteau appeared before Judge Michael H. Watson…
Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Consolidated Multiple Listing Service Inc.
Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Consolidated Multiple Listing Service Inc. The Department has reached a proposed settlement with Consolidated Multiple Listing Service Inc. (CMLS) that requires CMLS to change its…