Former Bank of China Managers and Their Wives Sentenced for Stealing More Than $485 Million, Laundering Money Through Las Vegas Casinos
Former Bank of China Managers and Their Wives Sentenced for Stealing More Than $485 Million, Laundering Money Through Las Vegas Casinos Two former managers of the Bank of China and…
Korean Businessman Indicted in Bribery Conspiracy and Wire Fraud Scheme Involving $206 Million Contract
Korean Businessman Indicted in Bribery Conspiracy and Wire Fraud Scheme Involving $206 Million Contract A South Korean businessman was indicted today for his alleged role in a bribery conspiracy for…
Justice Department Files Lawsuit Alleging Disability-based Housing Discrimination at Six Complexes in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Justice Department Files Lawsuit Alleging Disability-based Housing Discrimination at Six Complexes in Sioux Falls, South Dakota The Justice Department filed a lawsuit today against Equity Homes Inc, PBR LLC, BBR…
A fighting fetish: On transnational police and their warlike presentation of self
A fighting fetish: On transnational police and their warlike presentation of self Theoretical Criminology, Ahead of Print. Transnational police readily use martial language in the stories they tell about their…
Embodiments and frictions of statehood in transnational criminal justice
Embodiments and frictions of statehood in transnational criminal justice Theoretical Criminology, Ahead of Print. Outside of criminology, dominant conceptions of postcolonial statehood in the Global South as ‘fragile’ or ‘failed’…
Money justice
Money justice Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. Money justice—defined as money offered and paid to victims in the aftermath of wrongs—permeates society and everyday life. Current mechanisms of money…
Oceania’s ‘crimmigration creep’: Are deportation and reintegration norms being diffused?
Oceania’s ‘crimmigration creep’: Are deportation and reintegration norms being diffused? Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. The trend of deportation of convicted non-citizens to the Pacific has grown over the…
Collective Dissent as Legal Consciousness in Contemporary British Theatre
Collective Dissent as Legal Consciousness in Contemporary British Theatre Social &Legal Studies, Ahead of Print. This article explores legal consciousness in contemporary British theatre. It is concerned with the messages…
Developmental Trajectories of Delinquent Peer Association Among Korean Adolescents: A Latent Class Growth Analysis Approach to Assessing Peer Selection and Socialization Effects on Online and Offline Crimes
Developmental Trajectories of Delinquent Peer Association Among Korean Adolescents: A Latent Class Growth Analysis Approach to Assessing Peer Selection and Socialization Effects on Online and Offline Crimes Journal of Contemporary…
Book Review: Bleeding out: The devastating consequences of urban violence—and a bold new plan for peace in the streets
Book Review: Bleeding out: The devastating consequences of urban violence—and a bold new plan for peace in the streets Criminal Justice Review, Ahead of Print. Shelly Nightengale Read the syndicated…
Book Review: Le Boogie Woogie: Inside an after-hours club
Book Review: Le Boogie Woogie: Inside an after-hours club Criminal Justice Review, Ahead of Print. Caitlin A. Dorsch Read the syndicated article here
Community Service Outcomes in Justice-Involved Youth: Comparing Restorative Community Service to Standard Community Service
Community Service Outcomes in Justice-Involved Youth: Comparing Restorative Community Service to Standard Community Service Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print. Traditional mandated community service (CS) typically consists of picking…