Locked in the Home: A Critique of House Arrest as an Alternative to Imprisonment for Women Sentenced for Drug-Related Crimes

Locked in the Home: A Critique of House Arrest as an Alternative to Imprisonment for Women Sentenced for Drug-Related Crimes The Prison Journal, Ahead of Print. This article addresses the…
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Not All Survivors Are the Same: Qualitative Assessment of Prior Violence, Risks, Recovery and Perceptions of Firearms and Violence Among Victims of Firearm Injury

Not All Survivors Are the Same: Qualitative Assessment of Prior Violence, Risks, Recovery and Perceptions of Firearms and Violence Among Victims of Firearm Injury Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of…
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Two decades of European criminology: Exploring the conferences of the European Society of Criminology through topic modelling

Two decades of European criminology: Exploring the conferences of the European Society of Criminology through topic modelling European Journal of Criminology, Ahead of Print. What is European criminology about? Through…
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Risk-Need-Responsivity Meets Mental Health: Implementation Challenges in Probation Case Planning

Risk-Need-Responsivity Meets Mental Health: Implementation Challenges in Probation Case Planning Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print. This study examined the feasibility of and fidelity to risk/needs assessment, mental health…
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Focal Concerns and Intimate Partner Violence Case Processing: Predicting Arrest Using a Stratified Random Sample of Police Case File Data

Focal Concerns and Intimate Partner Violence Case Processing: Predicting Arrest Using a Stratified Random Sample of Police Case File Data Crime &Delinquency, Ahead of Print. Focal concerns has utility for…
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