Criminal Careers and Early Death: Relationships In the Cambridge Study In Delinquent Development

Criminal Careers and Early Death: Relationships In the Cambridge Study In Delinquent Development AbstractPrior research shows that convicted and incarcerated persons tend to die early, but this research does not…
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Educational Consequences of Paternal Incarceration: Evidence from a Danish Policy Reform

Educational Consequences of Paternal Incarceration: Evidence from a Danish Policy Reform Abstract Objectives This study estimates the causal effect of paternal incarceration on children’s educational outcomes measured at the end…
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International regime complexes and corporate crime: a research agenda based on the Volkswagen diesel fraud case

International regime complexes and corporate crime: a research agenda based on the Volkswagen diesel fraud case Abstract Criminological literature has often pointed to the absence or weakness of existing international…
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When and How Does Anti-Semitism Occur? the Different Trigger Mechanisms Associated with Different Types of Criminal and Non-Criminal Hate Incidents

When and How Does Anti-Semitism Occur? the Different Trigger Mechanisms Associated with Different Types of Criminal and Non-Criminal Hate Incidents . Matteo Vergani Read the syndicated article here
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