Taking the strain? Police well-being in the COVID-19 era
Taking the strain? Police well-being in the COVID-19 era The Police Journal, Ahead of Print. Drawing on survey and interview data collected in one police force area, this article considers…
Examining the factors that lead to being arrested among criminal abstainers: An analysis of potential sources of bias in the American criminal justice system
Examining the factors that lead to being arrested among criminal abstainers: An analysis of potential sources of bias in the American criminal justice system Publication date: December 2021Source: International Journal…
Critical junctures in terrorism studies: the Arab Spring and the new twenty-first century security environment
Critical junctures in terrorism studies: the Arab Spring and the new twenty-first century security environment . Michael J. Schumacher Read the syndicated article here
Race, coloniality and the post 9/11 counter-discourse: Critical Terrorism Studies and the reproduction of the Islam-Terrorism discourse
Race, coloniality and the post 9/11 counter-discourse: Critical Terrorism Studies and the reproduction of the Islam-Terrorism discourse . Rabea M. Khan Read the syndicated article here
Time, memory, and critical terrorism studies: 9/11 twenty years on
Time, memory, and critical terrorism studies: 9/11 twenty years on . Lee Jarvis Read the syndicated article here
“The past is the past”: linear temporality, memory, and empire
“The past is the past”: linear temporality, memory, and empire . Tom Pettinger Read the syndicated article here
Protecting others, compassion, and sacrifice: The toll of disaster policing on law enforcement officers in the United States
Protecting others, compassion, and sacrifice: The toll of disaster policing on law enforcement officers in the United States The Police Journal, Ahead of Print. This study used a qualitative grounded…
Prison in Iran: A Known Unknown N.R. Anaraki. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (2021) 117pp. €106.99hb; €85.99e‐book ISBN 978‐3‐030‐57169‐6; 978‐3‐030‐57169‐9
Prison in Iran: A Known Unknown Anaraki. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (2021) 117pp. €; €‐book ISBN 978‐3‐030‐57169‐6; 978‐3‐030‐57169‐9 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue 3, Page…
Desistance and Societies in Comparative Perspective D. Segev. Abingdon: Routledge (2020) 238pp. £120hb, £25.89e‐book ISBN 978‐0‐367‐25369‐1; I978‐0‐429‐28741‐1
Desistance and Societies in Comparative Perspective D. Segev. Abingdon: Routledge (2020) 238pp. £120hb, £‐book ISBN 978‐0‐367‐25369‐1; I978‐0‐429‐28741‐1 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue 3, Page 453-455,…
Reflection: the “war on terror”, Islamophobia and radicalisation twenty years on
Reflection: the “war on terror”, Islamophobia and radicalisation twenty years on . Tahir Abbas Read the syndicated article here