Examining the factors that lead to being arrested among criminal abstainers: An analysis of potential sources of bias in the American criminal justice system

Examining the factors that lead to being arrested among criminal abstainers: An analysis of potential sources of bias in the American criminal justice system Publication date: December 2021Source: International Journal…
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Race, coloniality and the post 9/11 counter-discourse: Critical Terrorism Studies and the reproduction of the Islam-Terrorism discourse

Race, coloniality and the post 9/11 counter-discourse: Critical Terrorism Studies and the reproduction of the Islam-Terrorism discourse . Rabea M. Khan Read the syndicated article here
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Protecting others, compassion, and sacrifice: The toll of disaster policing on law enforcement officers in the United States

Protecting others, compassion, and sacrifice: The toll of disaster policing on law enforcement officers in the United States The Police Journal, Ahead of Print. This study used a qualitative grounded…
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Prison in Iran: A Known Unknown N.R. Anaraki. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (2021) 117pp. €106.99hb; €85.99e‐book ISBN 978‐3‐030‐57169‐6; 978‐3‐030‐57169‐9

Prison in Iran: A Known Unknown Anaraki. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (2021) 117pp. €; €‐book ISBN 978‐3‐030‐57169‐6; 978‐3‐030‐57169‐9 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue 3, Page…
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Desistance and Societies in Comparative Perspective D. Segev. Abingdon: Routledge (2020) 238pp. £120hb, £25.89e‐book ISBN 978‐0‐367‐25369‐1; I978‐0‐429‐28741‐1

Desistance and Societies in Comparative Perspective D. Segev. Abingdon: Routledge (2020) 238pp. £120hb, £‐book ISBN 978‐0‐367‐25369‐1; I978‐0‐429‐28741‐1 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, Volume 60, Issue 3, Page 453-455,…
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