Special Issue on Radical and Militant Islamism in Indonesia
. Go to Source Author: Julie Chernov HwangKirsten E. Schulzea Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, USAb London School of Economics, London, UK
Mental health care in Guyana’s jails before and after Independence
Mental health care in Guyana's jails before and after Independence Abstract This article considers the intersecting geographical, social, medical and political frameworks necessary to construct an understanding of mental health…
Expanding treatment pathways for sexually abusive behaviour in young people: an examination of Therapeutic Treatment Orders
Expanding treatment pathways for sexually abusive behaviour in young people: an examination of Therapeutic Treatment Orders . Erika FortunatoNina PapaliaJames R. P. OgloffCentre for Forensic Behavioural Science, Swinburne University of…
Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among lawyers in New Zealand
Knowledge, attitudes and practices towards fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among lawyers in New Zealand . Joanna Ting Wai ChuHolly WilsonJessica C. McCormackValerie McGinnWarren BrookbanksChris Bullena National Institute for Health Innovation,…
Discriminative and predictive validity of risk assessment measures for women incarcerated for serious violent offences in Australia
Discriminative and predictive validity of risk assessment measures for women incarcerated for serious violent offences in Australia . Nina PapaliaMelanie SimmonsJanet RufflesBenjamin SpivakAshley DunneRachael FullamJames R. P. OgloffCentre for Forensic…
When being unattractive is an advantage: effects of face perception on intuitive culpability judgments
When being unattractive is an advantage: effects of face perception on intuitive culpability judgments . Antonio Olivera-La RosaLuis D. AyalaRicardo M. Tamayoa Department of Psychology and Social Sciences, Universidad Católica…
Violent Extremism in Bima, Indonesia: Radical Milieu and Peacebuilding Efforts
. Go to Source Author: Ihsan Ali-FauziDyah Ayu Kartikaa Center for the Study of Religion and Democracy (PUSAD), Paramadina Foundation, Jakarta, Indonesiab Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC), Jakarta,…
The Intersection between Islamic Populism and Radicalism in Indonesia: The Rise and Fall of Aksi Bela Islam Movement
. Go to Source Author: A’an SuryanaPolitical Science, Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), Depok, Indonesia
From Non-Violent to Violent Radicalization and Vice Versa: Three Case Studies from Indonesia
. Go to Source Author: Nava Nuraniyah Solahudina Australian National University, Canberra, Australiab Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Indonesian Jihadi Training Camps: Home and Away
. Go to Source Author: Julie Chernov HwangKirsten E. Schulzea Goucher College, Baltimore, MD, USAb London School of Economics, London, UK
A Business Model for Counterterrorism Innovation: Shaping Innovation Strategies in Defense Systems and Diagnosing Innovation Strategies in Terror Actors
. Go to Source Author: Boaz GanorDavid AlkaherStevie WeinbergLauder School of Government, Diplomacy & Strategy, International Institute for Counter Terrorism, Reichman University, Herzliya, Israel