Translational and Transnational Approaches in Comparative Criminological Research: A Content Analysis Focused on Asian Countries
Translational and Transnational Approaches in Comparative Criminological Research: A Content Analysis Focused on Asian Countries Go to Source
Assessing Police Stress in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Community Size Matter?
Assessing Police Stress in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Community Size Matter? Go to Source
‘Exceptional’ Open Prisons Under Pressure: Austerity, Instability and Distrust
‘Exceptional’ Open Prisons Under Pressure: Austerity, Instability and Distrust AbstractThis article examines the impact of various challenges on two Norwegian low-security prisons, Bastøy and Leira, during a particularly demanding period.…
The Cross-Border Spillover Effects of Cannabis Regulation in South America
The Cross-Border Spillover Effects of Cannabis Regulation in South America Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Read the syndicated article here
Racial and Temporal Barriers in the Journey to Crime for Black and White Drug Suspects
Racial and Temporal Barriers in the Journey to Crime for Black and White Drug Suspects Read the syndicated article here
Correction: Incremental Propensity Score Effects for Criminology: An Application Assessing the Relationship Between Homelessness, Behavioral Health Problems, and Recidivism
Correction: Incremental Propensity Score Effects for Criminology: An Application Assessing the Relationship Between Homelessness, Behavioral Health Problems, and Recidivism Read the syndicated article here
Causal Effect of Small Businesses on Street Theft: Evidence from a Natural Experiment of the Beijing Cleanup Campaign
Causal Effect of Small Businesses on Street Theft: Evidence from a Natural Experiment of the Beijing Cleanup Campaign Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Read the syndicated article here
Incremental Propensity Score Effects for Criminology: An Application Assessing the Relationship Between Homelessness, Behavioral Health Problems, and Recidivism
Incremental Propensity Score Effects for Criminology: An Application Assessing the Relationship Between Homelessness, Behavioral Health Problems, and Recidivism Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Read the syndicated article here
“Err on the Side of Grace, for Yourself, and for Your Students”: A Resource List and Advice for First-Time Race and Crime Instructors
“Err on the Side of Grace, for Yourself, and for Your Students”: A Resource List and Advice for First-Time Race and Crime Instructors . Carlene Y. Barnaby Alexander H. Updegrove…
Typology and factors underlying criminals’ utilisation of spiritual charms for crime perpetration in Nigeria
Typology and factors underlying criminals’ utilisation of spiritual charms for crime perpetration in Nigeria Read the syndicated article here
Funding the colonial tax haven: unpacking the role of the paycheck protection program in Puerto Rico’s state-corporate crimes
Funding the colonial tax haven: unpacking the role of the paycheck protection program in Puerto Rico’s state-corporate crimes Read the syndicated article here
A commentary on victimization and gender in white-collar crime
A commentary on victimization and gender in white-collar crime Read the syndicated article here