Understanding health data falsification and its drivers among Nigerian health workers
Understanding health data falsification and its drivers among Nigerian health workers Read the syndicated article here
Safe consumption sites and crime: A staggered synthetic control evaluation of Toronto’s expanding safe consumption site network
Safe consumption sites and crime: A staggered synthetic control evaluation of Toronto’s expanding safe consumption site network Objectives Methods Results Conclusion Read the syndicated article here
Framing the harms of wrongful convictions: how different narratives shape public opinion
Framing the harms of wrongful convictions: how different narratives shape public opinion Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Read the syndicated article here
Now you see it, now you don’t: social systematic observation of physical disorder using Google Street View
Now you see it, now you don’t: social systematic observation of physical disorder using Google Street View Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Read the syndicated article here
Beyond conventional metrics: the elusive impact of the Pilares program on crime in Mexico City
Beyond conventional metrics: the elusive impact of the Pilares program on crime in Mexico City Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Read the syndicated article here
A commentary on Duan et al.: RNR’s luster remains
A commentary on Duan et al.: RNR’s luster remains Objectives Methods Results Conclusion Read the syndicated article here
Validity of the LSI-R:SV, LS/RNR and VRS risk assessment instruments in a sample of male serious violent offenders in Australia
Validity of the LSI-R:SV, LS/RNR and VRS risk assessment instruments in a sample of male serious violent offenders in Australia . Ashley L. Dunne Melanie Simmons Nina Papalia Benjamin Spivak…
From Financial Statement Fraud to Asset Misappropriation: Fraud in Nonprofit Sports Clubs and Cultural Underpinnings
From Financial Statement Fraud to Asset Misappropriation: Fraud in Nonprofit Sports Clubs and Cultural Underpinnings . Gema Souvenir Tom de Clerck Cleo Schyvinck An Vermeersch Wim Hardyns Annick Willem Ghent…
The Prevalence of Terrorist Motives Among Civilians Who Kill Police Officers: A Mixed-Method Analysis
The Prevalence of Terrorist Motives Among Civilians Who Kill Police Officers: A Mixed-Method Analysis . Jesse J. Norris Sociocultural and Justice Sciences, State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia,…
The (Anti)Feminism of Tradwives
The (Anti)Feminism of Tradwives . Rebecca L. Stotzer Ashley Nelson Thompson School of Social Work and Public Health, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, USARebecca L. Stotzer is a…
Examining the reciprocal relationship of unstructured socialising with peers and delinquency: A cross‐lagged analysis
Examining the reciprocal relationship of unstructured socialising with peers and delinquency: A cross‐lagged analysis Abstract Osgood et al. (1996) established a reformulated theory to better explain patterns of situational offending, coined…
The Challenges of Comparative Criminology Research
The Challenges of Comparative Criminology Research Go to Source