Safe consumption sites and crime: A staggered synthetic control evaluation of Toronto’s expanding safe consumption site network

Safe consumption sites and crime: A staggered synthetic control evaluation of Toronto’s expanding safe consumption site network Objectives Methods Results Conclusion Read the syndicated article here
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Now you see it, now you don’t: social systematic observation of physical disorder using Google Street View

Now you see it, now you don’t: social systematic observation of physical disorder using Google Street View Objectives Methods Results Conclusions Read the syndicated article here
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Validity of the LSI-R:SV, LS/RNR and VRS risk assessment instruments in a sample of male serious violent offenders in Australia

Validity of the LSI-R:SV, LS/RNR and VRS risk assessment instruments in a sample of male serious violent offenders in Australia . Ashley L. Dunne Melanie Simmons Nina Papalia Benjamin Spivak…
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From Financial Statement Fraud to Asset Misappropriation: Fraud in Nonprofit Sports Clubs and Cultural Underpinnings

From Financial Statement Fraud to Asset Misappropriation: Fraud in Nonprofit Sports Clubs and Cultural Underpinnings . Gema Souvenir Tom de Clerck Cleo Schyvinck An Vermeersch Wim Hardyns Annick Willem Ghent…
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The Prevalence of Terrorist Motives Among Civilians Who Kill Police Officers: A Mixed-Method Analysis

The Prevalence of Terrorist Motives Among Civilians Who Kill Police Officers: A Mixed-Method Analysis . Jesse J. Norris Sociocultural and Justice Sciences, State University of New York at Fredonia, Fredonia,…
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Examining the reciprocal relationship of unstructured socialising with peers and delinquency: A cross‐lagged analysis

Examining the reciprocal relationship of unstructured socialising with peers and delinquency: A cross‐lagged analysis Abstract Osgood et al. (1996) established a reformulated theory to better explain patterns of situational offending, coined…
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