A Gendered Look at Latinx General Strain Theory
A Gendered Look at Latinx General Strain Theory
Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print.
This study investigates gendered differences within Latinx experiences using a GST framework. We address four hypotheses: (1) Latinos and Latinas will vary in their degrees of risk for and resilience against criminal behavior; (2) Latinos and Latinas will experience strains to various degrees; (3) Latinos are more likely to respond to strain with violent and serious crime than Latinas due to the types of strains they face and their varying degrees of risk and resilience; and (4) ethnic identity will provide different degrees of resilience against violent and serious offending between Latinos and Latinas. Implications are discussed.
This study investigates gendered differences within Latinx experiences using a GST framework. We address four hypotheses: (1) Latinos and Latinas will vary in their degrees of risk for and resilience against criminal behavior; (2) Latinos and Latinas will experience strains to various degrees; (3) Latinos are more likely to respond to strain with violent and serious crime than Latinas due to the types of strains they face and their varying degrees of risk and resilience; and (4) ethnic identity will provide different degrees of resilience against violent and serious offending between Latinos and Latinas. Implications are discussed.
Deena A. Isom