The Relevance of the Dual Systems Model for Social Learning Theory: Testing for Moderation Effects

Criminal Justice and Behavior, Ahead of Print.
Social learning theory is one of the most prominent criminological theories of the 20th century. The dual systems model represents an emerging framework in recent years, which may help to better understand how social learning processes are influenced by sensation-seeking and impulse control. This study utilized data from all waves of the Pathways to Desistance study. A series of mixed-effects models were utilized to test for moderating effects of these constructs on offending outcomes. Impulse control moderated the relationship between deviant peer association and offending frequency, indicating that high levels of both constructs predicted increased offending frequency. Sensation-seeking moderated the relationship between deviant peer association and odds of offending, indicating that high levels of both constructs were associated with greater odds of offending although this moderation effect was only marginally significant.

Thomas Wojciechowski

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