Breaking Norms: Depictions of Violent Girls in Swedish Newspapers


Anna-Karin LarssonLinda ArnellMaria Moberg Stephensona Örebro University, Örebro, Swedenb Umeå University, Umeå, Swedenc Karlstad University, Karlstad, SwedenAnna-Karin Larsson, has a PhD in History and work as a senior lecturer in social work at Örebro University, Sweden. Larsson is one of the coordinators for FlickForsk! Nordic Network for Girlhood Studies. She is interested in girls’ lives and conditions from historical and contemporary perspectives and is also focusing on research about intimate partner violence and risk management.Linda Arnell, has a PhD in Social work and is a senior lecturer at Umeå University, Sweden. She is one of the coordinators for FlickForsk! Nordic Network for Girlhood Studies, and her research interests include children’s and young person’s lives, with an emphasis on gender and the construction of girlhood and children’s and young people’s perspectives on violence, abuse, and social relations.Maria Moberg Stephenson, has a PhD in Social Work and is a senior lecturer at Karlstad University, Sweden. Her research interests concern young people’s life conditions, with a special focus on gender, belonging, and racialized boundaries. Current research focuses on girls’ experiences of living in deprived neighborhoods, and girls’ participation in criminal gangs.

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