Cartoon Crime Fighting Groups: Gender, Accuracy, and Motive
Cartoon Crime Fighting Groups: Gender, Accuracy, and Motive
David Ademule Raymond E. Barranco Nicole E. Rader Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, Mississippi, USADavid Ademule is a doctoral student in the Department of Sociology at Mississippi State University. His primary research interests include crime, social disorganization, and social control.Raymond E. Barranco is a Professor in Department of Sociology at Mississippi State University. His research broadly focuses on violence, race/ethnicity, and immigration. His published work has appeared in Social Forces, The Sociological Quarterly, Social Science Research, and other venues.Nicole E. Rader is a Professor and the Department Head of Sociology at Mississippi State University. Her primary research areas are fear of crime, victimization, and the media. She is the author of Teaching Fear: How We Learn to Fear Crime and Why it Matters, Temple University Press, and has published recent work in Deviant Behavior, Victims & Offenders, and the American Journal of Criminal Justice.