The Differential Mediating Effects of Informal and Formal Social Control on the Disorder-Fear Linkage in Rural and Urban Areas of South Korea
The Differential Mediating Effects of Informal and Formal Social Control on the Disorder-Fear Linkage in Rural and Urban Areas of South Korea Go to Source
Triadization as a Rite of Passage: Conceptualizing the Links between Youth Gangs and Adult-Based Secret Societies in Singapore
Triadization as a Rite of Passage: Conceptualizing the Links between Youth Gangs and Adult-Based Secret Societies in Singapore Go to Source
Age and the Distribution of Crime in Botswana, Africa: Comparisons with the USA, Taiwan, South Korea, Namibia, and HG Invariance Norm
Age and the Distribution of Crime in Botswana, Africa: Comparisons with the USA, Taiwan, South Korea, Namibia, and HG Invariance Norm Go to Source
Translational and Transnational Approaches in Comparative Criminological Research: A Content Analysis Focused on Asian Countries
Translational and Transnational Approaches in Comparative Criminological Research: A Content Analysis Focused on Asian Countries Go to Source
Assessing Police Stress in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Community Size Matter?
Assessing Police Stress in the Philippines during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Does Community Size Matter? Go to Source
Organizational Structure and Its Connection with the Justice Views of Police Officers
Organizational Structure and Its Connection with the Justice Views of Police Officers Go to Source
Investigating the Moderators in the Relationship Between Righteous Anger and Support for Lynching
Investigating the Moderators in the Relationship Between Righteous Anger and Support for Lynching Go to Source
The Challenges of Comparative Criminology Research
The Challenges of Comparative Criminology Research Go to Source
Modernizing Penal Capacity and Defusing Political Tensions: How Social Workers’ Rehabilitation Shapes Offenders’ Perceptions of Justice within Chinese Community Corrections
Modernizing Penal Capacity and Defusing Political Tensions: How Social Workers’ Rehabilitation Shapes Offenders’ Perceptions of Justice within Chinese Community Corrections Go to Source
Sailing the Stormy Tides of Police Stress: Exploring the Effects of Perceived Job Dangerousness and Work–Family Conflict on Occupational Stress among Korea Coast Guard Police Officers
Sailing the Stormy Tides of Police Stress: Exploring the Effects of Perceived Job Dangerousness and Work–Family Conflict on Occupational Stress among Korea Coast Guard Police Officers Go to Source
Risk Factors for South Korean Male Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Victims Only, Offenders Only, and Victim-Offenders
Risk Factors for South Korean Male Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Victims Only, Offenders Only, and Victim-Offenders Go to Source
Offending-Victimization Overlap in Cyberbullying among Chinese Youths: Theories, Gender Differences, and Methodological Innovation
Offending-Victimization Overlap in Cyberbullying among Chinese Youths: Theories, Gender Differences, and Methodological Innovation Go to Source