23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-term Solitary Confinement. By K. Reiter (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016, 302pp. $32.50)

23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise of Long-term Solitary Confinement. By K. Reiter (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2016, 302pp. $) 23/7: Pelican Bay Prison and the Rise…
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Intoxication and assault: an analysis of Crown Court sentencing practices in England and Wales

Intoxication and assault: an analysis of Crown Court sentencing practices in England and Wales AbstractLittle is known about how the Sentencing Council’s guidance to treat intoxication as aggravation is applied…
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The Tellability of Police Use-Of-Force: How Police Tell Stories of Critical Incidents in Different Contexts

The Tellability of Police Use-Of-Force: How Police Tell Stories of Critical Incidents in Different Contexts AbstractCritical incidents involving police use-of-force brings forth external critique to the police institution and to…
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Progressive Punishment: Job Loss, Jail Growth, and the Neoliberal Logic of Carceral Expansion. By J. Schept (New York, NY: New York University Press, 2015, 320pp. $27 pb)

Progressive Punishment: Job Loss, Jail Growth, and the Neoliberal Logic of Carceral Expansion. By J. Schept (New York, NY: New York University Press, 2015, 320pp. $27 pb) Progressive Punishment: Job…
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The Challenges of Doing Criminology in the Big Data Era: Towards a Digital and Data-driven Approach

The Challenges of Doing Criminology in the Big Data Era: Towards a Digital and Data-driven Approach AbstractThis paper considers emerging challenges and opportunities confronting criminology in the age of Big…
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