Understanding the Role of Race and Procedural Justice on the Support for Police Body-Worn Cameras and Reporting Crime

Understanding the Role of Race and Procedural Justice on the Support for Police Body-Worn Cameras and Reporting Crime Criminal Justice Review, Ahead of Print. Body-worn cameras (BWCs) among police officers…
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“We Are All Humans and Deserve a Decent Way to Go”: Examining Professional’s Experiences With Providing End-of-Life Care in Correctional Institutions

“We Are All Humans and Deserve a Decent Way to Go”: Examining Professional’s Experiences With Providing End-of-Life Care in Correctional Institutions Criminal Justice Review, Ahead of Print. The aging prison…
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Parents and Best Friends Perceived Reaction to Participant Deviance and Self-Reported Delinquency: Moderation by Sex and Mediation by Youth Attitude Toward Deviance in Mid- to Late Adolescence

Parents and Best Friends Perceived Reaction to Participant Deviance and Self-Reported Delinquency: Moderation by Sex and Mediation by Youth Attitude Toward Deviance in Mid- to Late Adolescence Criminal Justice Review,…
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Are We Loving Our National Parks to Death? A Call for Research on Crime and Law Enforcement in the U.S. National Park System

Are We Loving Our National Parks to Death? A Call for Research on Crime and Law Enforcement in the National Park System Criminal Justice Review, Ahead of Print. Despite a…
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Understanding How Cumulative Victimization Predicts Future Victimization Risk: Relevance of Cognitive Versus Social Mediation

Understanding How Cumulative Victimization Predicts Future Victimization Risk: Relevance of Cognitive Versus Social Mediation Criminal Justice Review, Ahead of Print. Cumulative victimization represents the summation of victimization experiences across multiple…
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Book Review: Bleeding out: The devastating consequences of urban violence—and a bold new plan for peace in the streets

Book Review: Bleeding out: The devastating consequences of urban violence—and a bold new plan for peace in the streets Criminal Justice Review, Ahead of Print. Shelly Nightengale Read the syndicated…
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