The Dominance of Individualism and Positivism: Trends of Theorizing Sexual Victimization/Perpetration in Higher Education, 2013–2022
The Dominance of Individualism and Positivism: Trends of Theorizing Sexual Victimization/Perpetration in Higher Education, 2013–2022 Read the syndicated article here
Against Reformism: Anarchy and Green Criminology
Against Reformism: Anarchy and Green Criminology Read the syndicated article here
Slippery Slopes and Russian Roulettes: Abjection and Drug User (Self-)Governance in an Online Harm Reduction Forum
Slippery Slopes and Russian Roulettes: Abjection and Drug User (Self-)Governance in an Online Harm Reduction Forum Read the syndicated article here
Editorial (32)3
Editorial (32)3 Read the syndicated article here
Cumulative Disadvantages in the Brazilian Criminal Justice System: Is Pretrial Detention a Source of Racial Disparities?
Cumulative Disadvantages in the Brazilian Criminal Justice System: Is Pretrial Detention a Source of Racial Disparities? Read the syndicated article here
Benedict, R. W. (2023). Incarceration and Older Women: Giving Back Not Giving Up. (L. Presser & B. Easterling, Eds.). Bristol University Press. 134 pp. ISBN: 1529231612 (Hardcover), ISBN: 9781529231687 (eBook)
Benedict, R. W. (2023). Incarceration and Older Women: Giving Back Not Giving Up. (L. Presser & B. Easterling, Eds.). Bristol University Press. 134 pp. ISBN: 1529231612 (Hardcover), ISBN: 9781529231687 (eBook) Read…
Salman, S. (2023). The Shaming State: How the U.S. Treats Citizens in Need. New York University Press. 248 pp. ISBN: 9,781,479,814,541 (Paperback)
Salman, S. (2023). The Shaming State: How the Treats Citizens in Need. New York University Press. 248 pp. ISBN: 9,781,479,814,541 (Paperback) Read the syndicated article here
Mountain Myths: Examining the Hierarchy of Whiteness in Film
Mountain Myths: Examining the Hierarchy of Whiteness in Film Read the syndicated article here
Re-contextualising Institutional-Anomie Theory in Turkey: Institutional Breakdown and Crime Rise
Re-contextualising Institutional-Anomie Theory in Turkey: Institutional Breakdown and Crime Rise Read the syndicated article here
Interventionitis in the Criminal Justice System: Three English Cases
Interventionitis in the Criminal Justice System: Three English Cases Abstract This article highlights the problem it names as ‘interventionitis’; the tendency of policymakers to treat enduring, systemically generated problems with…
Lifting the Veil of Ignorance: Prison Cruelty, Sentencing Theory, and the Failure of Liberal Retributivism
Lifting the Veil of Ignorance: Prison Cruelty, Sentencing Theory, and the Failure of Liberal Retributivism Abstract Criminologists have criticized the gap between retributive theory and prison realities. In this study,…
The Control of “Wandering Women:” The Legacy of Vagrancy Laws in the Contemporary Governance of Migrant Sex Work
The Control of “Wandering Women:” The Legacy of Vagrancy Laws in the Contemporary Governance of Migrant Sex Work Abstract This paper traces the contemporary governance of migrant sex work to…