“In the Words of the Enemy”: the Islamic State’s reflexive projection of statehood
“In the Words of the Enemy”: the Islamic State’s reflexive projection of statehood . Nadia Al-Dayel Read the syndicated article here
Introduction: 10 years of Critical Studies on Terrorism
Introduction: 10 years of Critical Studies on Terrorism Volume 10, Issue 2, August 2017, Page 197-202. Richard Jackson Read the syndicated article here
Transitional justice in settled democracies: Northern Ireland and the Basque Country in comparative perspective
Transitional justice in settled democracies: Northern Ireland and the Basque Country in comparative perspective . Amaia Alvarez Berastegi Read the syndicated article here
“The terrorist”: the out-of-place and on-the-move “perverse homosexual” in international relations
“The terrorist”: the out-of-place and on-the-move “perverse homosexual” in international relations . Cynthia Weber Read the syndicated article here
“9/11 is alive and well” or how critical terrorism studies has sustained the 9/11 narrative
“9/11 is alive and well” or how critical terrorism studies has sustained the 9/11 narrative . Harmonie Toros Read the syndicated article here
Caught between the urgent and the comprehensible: professionals’ understanding of violent extremism
Caught between the urgent and the comprehensible: professionals’ understanding of violent extremism . Christer Mattsson Read the syndicated article here
Interpretation, judgement and dialogue: a hermeneutical recollection of causal analysis in critical terrorism studies
Interpretation, judgement and dialogue: a hermeneutical recollection of causal analysis in critical terrorism studies . Lucas Van Milders Read the syndicated article here
A CTS model of counterterrorism
A CTS model of counterterrorism . Sondre Lindahl Read the syndicated article here
Does terrorism work? A history, by English, R., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010 350 pp., £25.00 (Hardback), ISBN: 9780199607853
Does terrorism work? A history, by English, R., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010 350 pp., £ (Hardback), ISBN: 9780199607853 . Harmonie Toros Read the syndicated article here
Beyond binaries: analysing violent state actors in Critical Studies
Beyond binaries: analysing violent state actors in Critical Studies . Shir Daphna-Tekoah Read the syndicated article here
The geography of pre-criminal space: epidemiological imaginations of radicalisation risk in the UK Prevent Strategy, 2007–2017
The geography of pre-criminal space: epidemiological imaginations of radicalisation risk in the UK Prevent Strategy, 2007–2017 . Charlotte Heath-Kelly Read the syndicated article here
CTS, counterterrorism and non-violence
CTS, counterterrorism and non-violence . Richard Jackson Read the syndicated article here