Disparities in Women’s Prison Sentences: Exploring the Nexus Between Motherhood, Drug Offense, and Sentence Length

Disparities in Women’s Prison Sentences: Exploring the Nexus Between Motherhood, Drug Offense, and Sentence Length Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Ahram Cho Read the syndicated article here
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“They Can’t Search Her”: How Gender Imbalances in the Police Force Contribute to Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness

“They Can’t Search Her”: How Gender Imbalances in the Police Force Contribute to Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness Feminist Criminology, Volume 13, Issue 3, Page 260-286, July 2018. Madeleine Novich Read…
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Constrained Agency Theory and Leadership: A New Perspective to Understand How Female Police Officers Overcome the Structural and Social Impediments to Promotion

Constrained Agency Theory and Leadership: A New Perspective to Understand How Female Police Officers Overcome the Structural and Social Impediments to Promotion Feminist Criminology, Volume 13, Issue 3, Page 287-308,…
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