How Do Gender, Sexuality, and Age Impact Perceptions of Teacher Sexual Misconduct? An Intersectional Vignette-Based Study

How Do Gender, Sexuality, and Age Impact Perceptions of Teacher Sexual Misconduct? An Intersectional Vignette-Based Study Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. In this study we investigate the intersecting impacts of…
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Mismatched Liberation Theory: A Comparative Method to Explain Increasing Female Crime Share in the United States

Mismatched Liberation Theory: A Comparative Method to Explain Increasing Female Crime Share in the United States Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. In this paper, I propose a new theory that…
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Relationship Dynamics Associated With Dating Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Feminist Post-Structural Analysis

Relationship Dynamics Associated With Dating Violence Among Adolescents and Young Adults: A Feminist Post-Structural Analysis Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. We focus on the character of adolescent and young adult…
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