Unwanted Sexual Attention in the Night-Time Economy: Behaviors, Safety Strategies, and Conceptualizing “Feisty Femininity”
Unwanted Sexual Attention in the Night-Time Economy: Behaviors, Safety Strategies, and Conceptualizing “Feisty Femininity” Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Almost nothing is known about “unwanted sexual attention” and women’s navigation…
Doing the “Right Thing”? Understanding Why Rape Victim-Survivors Report to the Police
Doing the “Right Thing”? Understanding Why Rape Victim-Survivors Report to the Police Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. This article explores why victim-survivors engage with the police by drawing upon the…
Judges’ Gender and Sentencing in China: An Empirical Inquiry
Judges’ Gender and Sentencing in China: An Empirical Inquiry Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Shuai Wei Read the syndicated article here
An International Study of the Contextual Effects of Gender Inequality on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Against Women Students
An International Study of the Contextual Effects of Gender Inequality on Intimate Partner Sexual Violence Against Women Students Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Will LeSuer Read the syndicated article here
From Child Maltreatment to Adolescent Substance Use: Different Pathways for Males and Females?
From Child Maltreatment to Adolescent Substance Use: Different Pathways for Males and Females? Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Kristen M. Benedini Read the syndicated article here
Beyond Peer Influence and Selection: A Gendered Pathways Analysis of Social Environmental Predictors of Change in Child and Peer Delinquency
Beyond Peer Influence and Selection: A Gendered Pathways Analysis of Social Environmental Predictors of Change in Child and Peer Delinquency Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Glenn D. Walters Read the…
Editor’s Introduction: The Future of Feminist Criminology
Editor’s Introduction: The Future of Feminist Criminology Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Kristy Holtfreter Read the syndicated article here
Thank you to our 2017 Reviewers
Thank you to our 2017 Reviewers Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Read the syndicated article here
“Six Months Is a Joke”: Carceral Feminism and Penal Populism in the Wake of the Stanford Sexual Assault Case
“Six Months Is a Joke”: Carceral Feminism and Penal Populism in the Wake of the Stanford Sexual Assault Case Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Nickie D. Phillips Read the syndicated…
Contextualizing LGB Youth’s Experiences With Victimization and Risky Behaviors: A Qualitative Approach to General Strain Theory
Contextualizing LGB Youth’s Experiences With Victimization and Risky Behaviors: A Qualitative Approach to General Strain Theory Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Deeanna M. Button Read the syndicated article here
A Feminist Law Meets an Androcentric Criminal Justice System: Gender-Based Violence in Spain
A Feminist Law Meets an Androcentric Criminal Justice System: Gender-Based Violence in Spain Feminist Criminology, Ahead of Print. Pilar Albertín Carbó Read the syndicated article here
Situational Action Theory’s Self-Control/Morality Interaction Effects and the Moderating Influence of Being Female: A Comparison of Property and Violent Offending Using a Sample of Juvenile Delinquents
Situational Action Theory’s Self-Control/Morality Interaction Effects and the Moderating Influence of Being Female: A Comparison of Property and Violent Offending Using a Sample of Juvenile Delinquents Feminist Criminology, Ahead of…