Inside the Leak: Exploring the Structure of the Conti Ransomware Group
Inside the Leak: Exploring the Structure of the Conti Ransomware Group . Caterina Paternoster Mirko Nazzari Maria Jofre Teodora Erika Uberti a Transcrime, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italyb…
Technologies of the YouTuber self: digital vigilantism, masculinities and attention economy in neoliberal Japan
Technologies of the YouTuber self: digital vigilantism, masculinities and attention economy in neoliberal Japan . Yoko Demelius Yutaka Yoshida a Centre for East Asian Studies, University of Turku, Turku, Finlandb…
Radical networks and terrorist action: the importance of social relationships and network positions
Radical networks and terrorist action: the importance of social relationships and network positions . Casper S. van Nassau Tomáš Diviák Christianne J. de Poot Frank M. Weerman a Research and…
An exploratory study of victimisation and near misses in online shopping fraud
An exploratory study of victimisation and near misses in online shopping fraud . Matthew Edwards Jack Mark Whittaker Cassandra Cross Mark Button a Bristol Cyber Security Group, School of Computer…
SexWork.DK: a comparative study of citizenship and working hours among sex workers in Denmark
: a comparative study of citizenship and working hours among sex workers in Denmark . Rasmus Munksgaard Kim Moeller Theresa Dyrvig Henriksen a Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg…
The criminal activities and operational roles of Australian neo-jihadists: a network perspective
The criminal activities and operational roles of Australian neo-jihadists: a network perspective . Phillip Screen David Bright Alberto Aziani a Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Transcrime, Milan, Italyb School of…
Financial crime risk assessment: machine learning insights into ownership structures in secrecy firms
Financial crime risk assessment: machine learning insights into ownership structures in secrecy firms . Maria Jofre Antonio Bosisio Michele Riccardi Transcrime, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy Read the…
Mapping drug smuggling networks in Japan: a social network analysis of trial documents
Mapping drug smuggling networks in Japan: a social network analysis of trial documents . Martina Baradel Niles Breuer Department of Sociology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Read the syndicated article…
Exploring criminal specialisation in co-offending groups
Exploring criminal specialisation in co-offending groups . Alberto Nieto Toby Davies Hervé Borrion a Department of Security and Crime Science, University College London (UCL), London, UKb School of Law, University…
Are crimes against women in India converging? Some empirical observations
Are crimes against women in India converging? Some empirical observations . Kajal Puri Kirtti Ranjan Paltasingh Chandan Kumar Mohanty a School of Economics, SMVD University, Jammu, Indiab Department of Economics,…
A systematic review of the extent of the Taliban and FARC’s involvement and profit from drug trade and methods of estimating income from the drug trade
A systematic review of the extent of the Taliban and FARC’s involvement and profit from drug trade and methods of estimating income from the drug trade . Hamid AziziCaitlin Elizabeth…
Third-party intervention in high-risk situations in Africa: exploring factors influencing bystander intervention in sexual violence among college students
Third-party intervention in high-risk situations in Africa: exploring factors influencing bystander intervention in sexual violence among college students . Francis D. BoatengMabel Oti-BoadiNabi Youla DoumbiaQueencilla Hammonda Department of Criminal Justice…