Financial crime risk assessment: machine learning insights into ownership structures in secrecy firms

Financial crime risk assessment: machine learning insights into ownership structures in secrecy firms . Maria Jofre Antonio Bosisio Michele Riccardi Transcrime, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy Read the…
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A systematic review of the extent of the Taliban and FARC’s involvement and profit from drug trade and methods of estimating income from the drug trade

A systematic review of the extent of the Taliban and FARC’s involvement and profit from drug trade and methods of estimating income from the drug trade . Hamid AziziCaitlin Elizabeth…
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Third-party intervention in high-risk situations in Africa: exploring factors influencing bystander intervention in sexual violence among college students

Third-party intervention in high-risk situations in Africa: exploring factors influencing bystander intervention in sexual violence among college students . Francis D. BoatengMabel Oti-BoadiNabi Youla DoumbiaQueencilla Hammonda Department of Criminal Justice…
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Transplantation theory in terrorism: an exploratory analysis of organised crime and terrorist group expansion

Transplantation theory in terrorism: an exploratory analysis of organised crime and terrorist group expansion . Tin KapetanovicMark DechesneJoanne P. Van der Leuna Faculty Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden, the Netherlandsb…
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