Working in partnership to reduce re-offending and improve prison leavers’ lives: a process evaluation of a prison leaver pilot project

Working in partnership to reduce re-offending and improve prison leavers’ lives: a process evaluation of a prison leaver pilot project . Hayley J. Lowther-Payne Ella Whitcomb-Khan Fiona Ward Iliana Makri…
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The relationship between existential isolation and suicidal ideation among formerly incarcerated individuals

The relationship between existential isolation and suicidal ideation among formerly incarcerated individuals . Rachel M. Gehman Elizabeth C. Pinel Thomas Pyszczynski a University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont, USAb University of…
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Investigating the lived experiences of persons who were sentenced to the Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility: a qualitative study

Investigating the lived experiences of persons who were sentenced to the Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility: a qualitative study . Shelby M. Hatch Zachary C. Nichols Lauren E. Lewis Joshua…
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“We need help too”: establishing client and practitioner demand for responsive programs for women sentenced for child sexual abuse in Australia

“We need help too”: establishing client and practitioner demand for responsive programs for women sentenced for child sexual abuse in Australia . Bricklyn Priebe Larissa S. Christensen Nadine McKillop Susan…
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Can you get “clean” in dirty water?: A qualitative case study exploring the prison environment, basic needs, and the barriers to substance use rehabilitation

Can you get “clean” in dirty water?: A qualitative case study exploring the prison environment, basic needs, and the barriers to substance use rehabilitation . Tyesia Williams Leanne Howell Nicholas…
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“Nobody is really going to hire a 69-year-old man with a felony record”: challenges finding employment for older, formerly incarcerated individuals

“Nobody is really going to hire a 69-year-old man with a felony record”: challenges finding employment for older, formerly incarcerated individuals . Jessica M. Grosholz Danielle M. Thomas Sandra S.…
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The effect of drug treatment court on recidivism: a comparison with traditional court intervention

The effect of drug treatment court on recidivism: a comparison with traditional court intervention . Alyssa M. Sheeran Jayden Varline Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Wisconsin –…
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Forgiveness and rehabilitation of Portuguese incarcerated individuals: what do they think about forgiveness?

Forgiveness and rehabilitation of Portuguese incarcerated individuals: what do they think about forgiveness? . Joana Moniz Viviana Nunes Carla Cunha a University of Maia, Maia, Portugalb Portugal & Santa Maria…
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Exploring the impacts of individual residential mobility, housing, and social disorganization on recidivism among parolees

Exploring the impacts of individual residential mobility, housing, and social disorganization on recidivism among parolees . Bryce E. PetersonKiDeuk Kima Center for Justice Research and Innovation, CNA Corporation, Arlington, Virginia,…
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