Suicidal ideation during the transitioning from prison to the community: financial hardship, relational distress, health issues, and gender

Suicidal ideation during the transitioning from prison to the community: financial hardship, relational distress, health issues, and gender . Lin Liu Read the syndicated article here
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Juvenile probation officer perception of contingency management to target caregiver engagement and training outcomes

Juvenile probation officer perception of contingency management to target caregiver engagement and training outcomes . Stacy R. Ryan-Pettes Read the syndicated article here
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Applied machine learning analysis: Factors correlated with injection drug use and post-prison medication for opioid use disorder treatment engagement

Applied machine learning analysis: Factors correlated with injection drug use and post-prison medication for opioid use disorder treatment engagement . Grant Victor Read the syndicated article here
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“We can’t, sorry, but we can’t do it’: how wrongful convictions impact employment and education throughout the life-course”

“We can’t, sorry, but we can’t do it’: how wrongful convictions impact employment and education throughout the life-course” . Michelle L. Estes Read the syndicated article here
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The transformative effect of prison-based theological education as perceived by current and former students: a pilot evaluation

The transformative effect of prison-based theological education as perceived by current and former students: a pilot evaluation . Robin LaBarbera Read the syndicated article here
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The impact of mental health risks and needs on substance use among adults in community supervision: a multilevel model examining moderation by age and variation across statewide judicial circuits

The impact of mental health risks and needs on substance use among adults in community supervision: a multilevel model examining moderation by age and variation across statewide judicial circuits .…
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