Therapeutic alliance and its setting with those who have sexually offended and implications for community maintenance programs

Therapeutic alliance and its setting with those who have sexually offended and implications for community maintenance programs . Carollyne Youssef Read the syndicated article here
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Size and attributes of probation officers’ service provider networks: connecting individuals with mental illnesses to community-based supports

Size and attributes of probation officers’ service provider networks: connecting individuals with mental illnesses to community-based supports . Tonya B. Van Deinse Read the syndicated article here
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Interpersonal communication competence and the responsivity principle among inmates: implications for institutional misconduct

Interpersonal communication competence and the responsivity principle among inmates: implications for institutional misconduct Volume 61, Issue 4, May-June 2022, Page 207-222. Laurie Drapela Read the syndicated article here
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Incremental beliefs and public attitudes toward restorative justice: the cases of sexual, violent and property offenses

Incremental beliefs and public attitudes toward restorative justice: the cases of sexual, violent and property offenses . Dana Weimann-Saks Read the syndicated article here
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Implementing therapeutic community as a rehabilitation intervention for the imprisoned narcotic drug offenders with substance use disorder: special reference to Sri Lanka

Implementing therapeutic community as a rehabilitation intervention for the imprisoned narcotic drug offenders with substance use disorder: special reference to Sri Lanka . A. R. Jayamaha Read the syndicated article…
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