The effect of prior incarceration on trust and social support: results from two factorial vignette studies
The effect of prior incarceration on trust and social support: results from two factorial vignette studies . Raven Simonds Read the syndicated article here
Experiences and interactions with treatment staff: reactions from state prison inmates
Experiences and interactions with treatment staff: reactions from state prison inmates . Michael E. Antonio Read the syndicated article here
Reducing recidivism through restorative justice: an evaluation of Bridges to Life in Dallas
Reducing recidivism through restorative justice: an evaluation of Bridges to Life in Dallas . Sungil Han Read the syndicated article here
Priority housing as ex-offenders’ key to a home: assessing the potential of Dutch certificates of housing urgency using Lipsky’s theory on street-level bureaucrats
Priority housing as ex-offenders’ key to a home: assessing the potential of Dutch certificates of housing urgency using Lipsky’s theory on street-level bureaucrats . J. H. S. van Tongeren Read…
Correctional and forensic contexts of d/Deaf persons: implications for assessment and treatment
Correctional and forensic contexts of d/Deaf persons: implications for assessment and treatment . Alexandra M. Zidenberg Read the syndicated article here
Understanding the impact of functioning on career factors for individuals with disabilities and criminal backgrounds
Understanding the impact of functioning on career factors for individuals with disabilities and criminal backgrounds . Chelsea E. Greco Read the syndicated article here
Conviction celerity and intervention compliance as predictors of DUI recidivism: a mediation model of deterrence among Kentucky DUI offenders
Conviction celerity and intervention compliance as predictors of DUI recidivism: a mediation model of deterrence among Kentucky DUI offenders . Megan F. Dickson Read the syndicated article here
Long-term follow-up of individuals under community supervision who refused rapid HIV testing
Long-term follow-up of individuals under community supervision who refused rapid HIV testing . Thomas R. Blue Read the syndicated article here
Self-identity and persistent offending: a quantitative test of identity theory of desistance
Self-identity and persistent offending: a quantitative test of identity theory of desistance . Lin Liu Read the syndicated article here
Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory: how human-animal interactions explain the effectiveness of carceral dog training programs
Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory: how human-animal interactions explain the effectiveness of carceral dog training programs . Gennifer Furst Read the syndicated article here
Communication gatekeepers and moral arbiters: mothers’ roles when fathers are incarcerated
Communication gatekeepers and moral arbiters: mothers’ roles when fathers are incarcerated . Xinwei Fang Read the syndicated article here
Reintegration of returning citizens in the absence of formal transition programs: experiences from Ethiopia
Reintegration of returning citizens in the absence of formal transition programs: experiences from Ethiopia . Zenawi Zerihun Read the syndicated article here