Situational Correlates of Adolescent Substance Use: An Improved Test of the Routine Activity Theory of Deviant Behavior
Situational Correlates of Adolescent Substance Use: An Improved Test of the Routine Activity Theory of Deviant Behavior Abstract Objectives To test the routine activity theory of deviance, we assess whether…
“Location, Location, Location”: Effects of Neighborhood and House Attributes on Burglars’ Target Selection
“Location, Location, Location”: Effects of Neighborhood and House Attributes on Burglars’ Target Selection Abstract Objectives To empirically test whether offenders consider environmental features at multiple spatial scales when selecting a…
Industry Self-regulation Under Government Intervention
Industry Self-regulation Under Government Intervention Abstract Objective Industry actors (organizations, associations) can influence the way in which firms comply with regulations. This study examines how this influence process is affected…
Psychological Distress, Terrorist Involvement and Disengagement from Terrorism: A Sequence Analysis Approach
Psychological Distress, Terrorist Involvement and Disengagement from Terrorism: A Sequence Analysis Approach Abstract Objectives This paper utilizes probability-based modelling to unpack the complex and multifaceted individual, sociological, and psychological processes…
Risk Factors for Violent Dissident Republican Incidents in Belfast: A Comparison of Bombings and Bomb Hoaxes
Risk Factors for Violent Dissident Republican Incidents in Belfast: A Comparison of Bombings and Bomb Hoaxes Abstract Objectives To identify risk factors for bombings and bomb hoaxes committed by dissident Republicans…
Crime Feeds on Legal Activities: Daily Mobility Flows Help to Explain Thieves’ Target Location Choices
Crime Feeds on Legal Activities: Daily Mobility Flows Help to Explain Thieves’ Target Location Choices Abstract Objective According to routine activity theory and crime pattern theory, crime feeds on the…
Disrupting the Pathway from Truancy to Delinquency: A Randomized Field Trial Test of the Longitudinal Impact of a School Engagement Program
Disrupting the Pathway from Truancy to Delinquency: A Randomized Field Trial Test of the Longitudinal Impact of a School Engagement Program Abstract Objective Truancy in adolescence is related to detrimental…
The Asymmetric Effect of Bankruptcy Fraud in Sweden: A Long-Term Perspective
The Asymmetric Effect of Bankruptcy Fraud in Sweden: A Long-Term Perspective Abstract Objectives The knowledge of the effects of white-collar crimes is incomplete. In the article, we operationalize white-collar crimes…
State of the Art in Agent-Based Modeling of Urban Crime: An Overview
State of the Art in Agent-Based Modeling of Urban Crime: An Overview Abstract Objectives Agent-based modeling (ABM) is a type of computer simulation that creates a virtual society and allows…
Does Eligibility for Tertiary Education Affect Crime Rates? Quasi-Experimental Evidence
Does Eligibility for Tertiary Education Affect Crime Rates? Quasi-Experimental Evidence Abstract Objectives This paper estimates the effect of tertiary education eligibility on crime in Sweden. The hypothesis tested is that…
Measuring the Distribution of Crime and Its Concentration
Measuring the Distribution of Crime and Its Concentration Abstract Objectives Generally speaking, crime is, fortunately, a rare event. As far as modelling is concerned, this sparsity of data means that…
The Short-Term Dynamics of Peers and Delinquent Behavior: An Analysis of Bi-weekly Changes Within a High School Student Network
The Short-Term Dynamics of Peers and Delinquent Behavior: An Analysis of Bi-weekly Changes Within a High School Student Network Abstract Objectives To analyze short-term changes in peer affiliations, offending behavior…