The Intergenerational Stability of Punishment: Paternal Incarceration and Suspension or Expulsion in Elementary School

The Intergenerational Stability of Punishment: Paternal Incarceration and Suspension or Expulsion in Elementary School Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print. Wade C. Jacobsen Read the syndicated…
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Reconciling Emotion and Rational Choice: Negativistic Auto Theft, Consequence Irrelevance, and the Seduction of Destruction

Reconciling Emotion and Rational Choice: Negativistic Auto Theft, Consequence Irrelevance, and the Seduction of Destruction Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print. Bruce A. Jacobs Read the…
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Receiving Social Support after Short-term Confinement: How Support Pre- and During-confinement Contribute

Receiving Social Support after Short-term Confinement: How Support Pre- and During-confinement Contribute Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print. Audrey Hickert Read the syndicated article here
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The Virtual Reality Scenario Method: Moving from Imagination to Immersion in Criminal Decision-making Research

The Virtual Reality Scenario Method: Moving from Imagination to Immersion in Criminal Decision-making Research Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print. Jean-Louis van Gelder Read the syndicated…
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From Impressions to Intentions: Direct and Indirect Effects of Police Contact on Willingness to Report Crimes to Law Enforcement

From Impressions to Intentions: Direct and Indirect Effects of Police Contact on Willingness to Report Crimes to Law Enforcement Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print. Andres…
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Street Gangs, Gun Violence, and Focused Deterrence: Comparing Place-based and Group-based Evaluation Methods to Estimate Direct and Spillover Deterrent Effects

Street Gangs, Gun Violence, and Focused Deterrence: Comparing Place-based and Group-based Evaluation Methods to Estimate Direct and Spillover Deterrent Effects Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print.…
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Family Matters: Moving Beyond “If” Family Support Matters to “Why” Family Support Matters during Reentry from Prison

Family Matters: Moving Beyond “If” Family Support Matters to “Why” Family Support Matters during Reentry from Prison Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print. Thomas J. Mowen…
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The Action Is Everywhere, But Greater at More Localized Spatial Scales: Comparing Concentrations of Crime across Addresses, Streets, and Neighborhoods

The Action Is Everywhere, But Greater at More Localized Spatial Scales: Comparing Concentrations of Crime across Addresses, Streets, and Neighborhoods Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, Ahead of Print.…
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