Designing Solutions for Improved Support within Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice for Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism who Have Offended
Designing Solutions for Improved Support within Health, Social Care and Criminal Justice for Adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism who Have Offended
People with learning disabilities and/or autism encounter considerable challenges on the pathways through the criminal justice and/or forensic health systems. This article presents a thematic analysis of focused discussions between users, professionals and practitioners from health, social care and criminal justice. It is informed by the social model of disability, which dictates its focus on solutions for maximising the full and effective participation of disabled users. Informants raised key challenges, including indirect disability discrimination and risk aversive practice, and evidenced innovative solutions. These include person-centred, multi-agency working, screening, information sharing, inclusive service design, nurturing sustainable key relationships and long-term community support.