Deviant Labels, Negative Emotions, and Secondary Deviance: Integrating Labeling and Strain Perspectives
Deviant Labels, Negative Emotions, and Secondary Deviance: Integrating Labeling and Strain Perspectives
Gregory C. Rocheleau Brandy N. Rocheleau Jorge M. Chavez a Ball State University, Muncie, IN, USAb University of Colorado—Denver, Denver, CO, USADr. Gregory C. Rocheleau, is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Ball State University. His research interests include bullying victimization, criminological theory, and juvenile delinquency. His most recent scholarship examines bullying victimization among LGBTQ+ youth, e-cigarette use among youth, and variability in general strain theory processes by marital relationships.Brandy N. Rocheleau, J.D., M.A. is the Associate Dean of Students and Deputy Sexual Misconduct and Tittle IX Coordinator at Ball State University. Her specialty area is in criminal law and victimization. Her current research focuses on bullying victimization and sentencing.Dr. Jorge M Chavez, is an Associate Profession in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Denver. His research focuses on (1) racial/ethnic inequalities in the transition to adulthood; 2) the etiology of problem behaviors and social and mental health problems; and 3) the effect of educational and local policy on immigrants and immigrant families, and youth of color.