Integrating Social Disorganization and Routine Activity Theories and Testing the Effectiveness of Neighbourhood Crime Watch Programs: Case Study of Miami-Dade County, 2007–15


This study investigates the effectiveness of citizens’ community crime watch (CCW) programs and community crime theories by testing the relationship between CCW programs and crime, integrating concepts from social disorganization (SD) and routine activity theories (RATs). Using data from 290 Census tracts in Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States, this study uses conventional and geospatial analyses to test for the effects of CCW programs, SD and RAT measures on the overall rate and change in burglary, robbery and aggravated assault (2007–15). Results show that crime declined between 2007 and 2015 the most in neighbourhoods with CCW programs, and they provide partial support for SD and RAT for each crime outcome. CCW programs have moderate support for reducing crime and geospatial methods are important use to account for spatial heterogeneity.

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