“Killing All Infidels”: Leaking Prior to Islamist Terrorist Attacks in Germany
“Killing All Infidels”: Leaking Prior to Islamist Terrorist Attacks in Germany
Laura TampeRebecca BondüDevelopmental, Educational and Family Psychology, Psychologische Hochschule Berlin, Berlin, GermanyLaura Tampe is a PhD student in psychology at Psychologische Hochschule Berlin. Her research interests include risk factors for aggressive behavior, warning signs of severe violence, possibilities of prevention, as well as threat and risk assessment.Rebecca Bondü earned her Ph.D. in Psychology and is a Professor for Development, Education, and Family Psychology at Psychologische Hochschule Berlin. Her research focuses on risk and protective factors for prosocial and aggressive behavior and comprises topics such as warning signs for severe violence, aggressive (sexual) fantasies, as well as sensitivity to injustice and rejection.