Life Difficulties, Violent Online Extremism and Support for Political Violence in the United States
Life Difficulties, Violent Online Extremism and Support for Political Violence in the United States
Suranjan Weeraratne Laurie L. Rice Kenneth W. Moffett a Department of Political Science, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois, USAb Independent Researcher, Hamden, Connecticut, USASuranjan Weeraratne is Professor of Political Science at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Much of his recent research has been devoted to understanding various dimensions of domestic terrorism and targeted violence in the United States.Laurie L. Rice is Professor of Political Science at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Her research interests include political communication, the presidency, civic engagement, and a variety of forms of political behavior, including decisions to support political violence.Kenneth W. Moffett specializes in American politics and policy. His work has appeared in American Politics Research, Climatic Change, Environment and Behavior, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Social Science Computer Review, and more.