Recidivism Among People Convicted of Terrorism: A Survival Analysis Based on the Belgian Central Criminal Record
Recidivism Among People Convicted of Terrorism: A Survival Analysis Based on the Belgian Central Criminal Record
B. Mine M. Vande Velde P. Jeuniaux E. Maes L. Robert National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Brussels, BelgiumB. Mine, PhD in Criminology, is senior researcher at the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Brussels, Belgium. His main current research interests are related to criminal justice databases, terrorism studies, recidivism and criminal careers studies.M. Vande Velde, MSc in civil engineering and MSc in psychological sciences, is researcher and data analyst at the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Brussels, Belgium. His main research interests relate to recidivism research and criminal career studies.P. Jeuniaux, PhD in psychology, is senior researcher at the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Brussels, Belgium, and an assistant in the Louvain Research Institute in Management and Organizations at UCLouvain. At the NICC, his main focus is the development of computer systems to analyze criminal justice data.E. Maes, PhD in Criminological Sciences, is senior researcher at the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Brussels, Belgium. His main research interests and publications focus on penological topics, such as (the history of) prison regimes, the implementation of prison sentences and community sanctions, electronic monitoring, conditional release, pre-trial detention and alternatives, sentence calculation, and recidivism studies.L. Robert, PhD in criminology, is senior researcher at the National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC), Brussels, Belgium. His main research interests relate to recidivism research and criminal career studies, including a focus on (the impact of) criminal justice interventions.