Sexual Assault Victimization: Latinx Identity as a Protective Factor for Sexual Minorities

Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Ahead of Print.
Sexual assault victimization is an experience that impacts many college students, and rates differ based on ethnicity and sexual minority status. However, little is known about the impact of the intersectionality of Latinx and sexual minority identities on sexual assault severity among college students. The current study examined past year sexual assault victimization severity based on sexual orientation and Latinx identities among a random sample of college students (n = 506). Further, factors associated with past year sexual assault victimization severity were examined among sexual minority participants (n = 170). Among all college students, identifying as a cisgender woman, sexual minority, or having a more severe sexual assault history was associated with higher past year sexual assault victimization severity. Further, among sexual minorities, identifying as Latinx or having fewer drinks per week were associated with less severe past year sexual assault victimization. Although preliminary, this finding suggests a need for future research to examine potential cultural factors associated with Latinx populations that may serve as protective factors for sexual assault victimization among college students.

Amanda K. Gilmore

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