When Post-Incarcerated Individuals Return to High-Risk Neighborhoods: Staying Out of Trouble, Social Withdrawal, and Mental Health

Crime &Delinquency, Ahead of Print.
Studies show that residents from urban, high-risk neighborhoods fair worse on multiple behavioral and health outcomes than their counterparts from more socially and economically advantaged neighborhoods. However, few research efforts have been devoted to examining how formerly incarcerated individuals’ concerns over neighborhood environment are associated with reentry outcomes. Using longitudinal data that captured the reentry experiences of individuals released from prison, the present study quantifies how returning citizens’ concerns over neighborhood environment predict their social withdrawal and mental health deterioration. Findings suggest that when respondents’ post-release family bonds, financial difficulty, drug use, and past mental health histories are all taken into account, their concerns over neighborhood environment exert a significant and positive effect on social withdrawal, depression, and hostility. Returning citizens who believe it is hard to stay out of trouble and prison in their neighborhoods tend to avoid social interactions with others and experience depression and increased hostility and vigilance. Implications for reentry programing and interventions are discussed.

Lin Liu

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