Colorado Big Game Outfitter and Assistant Guide Charged with Conspiracy for Illegal Capture and Maiming of Mountain Lions and Bobcats in Colorado and Utah

Colorado Big Game Outfitter and Assistant Guide Charged with Conspiracy for Illegal Capture and Maiming of Mountain Lions and Bobcats in Colorado and Utah Christopher W. Loncarich, 55, of Mack,…
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Departments of Justice and Education Issue School Discipline Guidance to Promote Safe, Inclusive Schools

Departments of Justice and Education Issue School Discipline Guidance to Promote Safe, Inclusive Schools The Department of Justice (DOJ), in collaboration with the Department of Education (ED), today released a…
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When in Doubt, Go to the Library: The Effect of a Library-Intensive Freshman Research and Writing Seminar on Academic Success

When in Doubt, Go to the Library: The Effect of a Library-Intensive Freshman Research and Writing Seminar on Academic Success . Leslie Hill Read the syndicated article here
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A Preliminary Analysis of the Factors Affecting Satisfaction with the Police Practicum Credit Program in South Korea

A Preliminary Analysis of the Factors Affecting Satisfaction with the Police Practicum Credit Program in South Korea . Joon Tag Cho Read the syndicated article here
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Understanding what makes terrorist groups’ propaganda effective: an integrative complexity analysis of ISIL and Al Qaeda

Understanding what makes terrorist groups’ propaganda effective: an integrative complexity analysis of ISIL and Al Qaeda Volume 12, Issue 2, October 2017, Page 105-118. Shannon C. Houck Read the syndicated…
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A U.S. military perspective on the promise of Situational Crime Prevention for combating terrorism

A military perspective on the promise of Situational Crime Prevention for combating terrorism Volume 12, Issue 2, October 2017, Page 85-104. James Lasley Read the syndicated article here
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Terror and technology: domestic intelligence collection and the gossamer of enhanced security

Terror and technology: domestic intelligence collection and the gossamer of enhanced security Volume 12, Issue 2, October 2017, Page 119-141. Richard J. Kilroy Read the syndicated article here
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