Women, Drugs and the Death Penalty: Framing Sandiford
Women, Drugs and the Death Penalty: Framing Sandiford Abstract This article examines the impact and significance of women subject to capital punishment for drug offences. Women are subject to the…
Prison Worlds: An Ethnography of the Carceral Condition D. Fassin. Cambridge: Polity Press (2017) 416pp. £60.00hb ISBN 978-1-5095-0754-2
Prison Worlds: An Ethnography of the Carceral Condition D. Fassin. Cambridge: Polity Press (2017) 416pp. £ ISBN 978-1-5095-0754-2 Nicola Padfield Read the syndicated article here
Crime: The Mystery of the Common-sense Concept R. Reiner. Cambridge: Polity Press (2016) 272pp. £50.00hb ISBN 9780745660301
Crime: The Mystery of the Common-sense Concept R. Reiner. Cambridge: Polity Press (2016) 272pp. £ ISBN 9780745660301 Emma Bell Read the syndicated article here
Indigenous Criminology C. Cunneen and J. Tauri. Bristol: Policy Press (2016) 176pp. £48.00hb ISBN 978–1447321750
Indigenous Criminology C. Cunneen and J. Tauri. Bristol: Policy Press (2016) 176pp. £ ISBN 978–1447321750 Moore Read the syndicated article here
Detaining the Immigrant Other: Global and Transnational Issues R. Furman, D. Epps and G. Lamphear (Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press (2016) 240pp. £35.99hb ISBN 978-0-19-022257-4
Detaining the Immigrant Other: Global and Transnational Issues R. Furman, D. Epps and G. Lamphear (Eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press (2016) 240pp. £ ISBN 978-0-19-022257-4 Dominic Aitken Read the syndicated article here
Online as the New Frontline: Affect, Gender, and ISIS-Take-Down on Social Media
. Go to Source Author: Elizabeth Pearson
Forgotten victims: students’ attitudes towards and responses to male sexual victimisation
Forgotten victims: students’ attitudes towards and responses to male sexual victimisation . Aliraza Javaid Read the syndicated article here
Jury Convicts Georgia Woman for Stolen Identity Tax Refund Fraud
Jury Convicts Georgia Woman for Stolen Identity Tax Refund Fraud A jury in the Middle District of Georgia convicted Kimberly Michelle Banks on Jan. 14, 2014, of conspiring to file…
Three Men from Tennessee Charged with Sex Trafficking by Force, Fraud and Coercion in the New Orleans Area
Three Men from Tennessee Charged with Sex Trafficking by Force, Fraud and Coercion in the New Orleans Area Three men from Tennessee were arrested today for offenses related to their…
Former Miami Real Estate Agents Sentenced for Roles in Multimillion-dollar Mortgage Fraud Scheme
Former Miami Real Estate Agents Sentenced for Roles in Multimillion-dollar Mortgage Fraud Scheme Two former Miami real estate agents were sentenced today for their roles in a $ million mortgage…
Former Sevierville, Tenn., Resident Sentenced to Prison for Tax Evasion
Former Sevierville, Tenn., Resident Sentenced to Prison for Tax Evasion The Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced today that Jimmie Duane Ross, of Lehi, Utah, and formerly…
Former Lorain County, Ohio, Corrections Officer Sentenced to Serve 18 Months in Prison for Repeatedly Striking Inmate
Former Lorain County, Ohio, Corrections Officer Sentenced to Serve 18 Months in Prison for Repeatedly Striking Inmate A former Lorain County, Ohio, corrections officer was sentenced today to serve 18…