Marc Sageman. Turning to Political Violence: The Emergence of Terrorism.
Marc Sageman. Turning to Political Violence: The Emergence of Terrorism. A book review by Alex P. Schmid of Marc Sageman's Turning to Political Violence: The Emergence of Terrorism. Go to Source
Geoff Dean. Neurocognitive Risk Assessment for the Early Detection of Violent Extremists
Geoff Dean. Neurocognitive Risk Assessment for the Early Detection of Violent Extremists A book review by Leiya Lemkey and Daniel T. Wilcox of Geoff Dean's Neurocognitive Risk Assessment for the Early…
Joseph Daher. Hezbollah: The Political Economy of Lebanon’s Party of God.
Joseph Daher. Hezbollah: The Political Economy of Lebanon’s Party of God. A book review by Richard C. Dietrich of Joseph Daher's Hezbollah: The Political Economy of Lebanon’s Party of God, Go to Source
Counterterrorism Bookshelf: 15 Books on Terrorism & Counterterrorism-Related Subjects
Counterterrorism Bookshelf: 15 Books on Terrorism & Counterterrorism-Related Subjects Capsule reviews of 15 books on terrorism & Counterterrorism-related subjects Go to Source
Dosage is more than just counting program hours: The importance of role-playing in treatment outcomes
Dosage is more than just counting program hours: The importance of role-playing in treatment outcomes . Kimberly Gentry Sperber Read the syndicated article here
Psychometric properties of the UNCOPE: Screening for DSM-5 substance use disorder among a state juvenile justice population
Psychometric properties of the UNCOPE: Screening for DSM-5 substance use disorder among a state juvenile justice population . Steven L. Proctor Read the syndicated article here
Research-Based Instructions Induce Sensitivity to Confession Evidence
Research-Based Instructions Induce Sensitivity to Confession Evidence . Angela M. Jones Read the syndicated article here
Depictions of Murder in Maine: The Dominant Ideology Thesis
Depictions of Murder in Maine: The Dominant Ideology Thesis . John Riley Read the syndicated article here
Explaining Murder in Maine: Three Case Studies
Explaining Murder in Maine: Three Case Studies . John Riley Read the syndicated article here
Justice Department Settles Immigration-Related Discrimination Claim Against Massachusetts Staffing Agency
Justice Department Settles Immigration-Related Discrimination Claim Against Massachusetts Staffing Agency The Justice Department reached an agreement today with SD Staffing LLC (SD Staffing), aka Atwork Personnel Services Inc., a company…
Government and Contractors Seek to End Long-Running “A-12” Litigation
Government and Contractors Seek to End Long-Running “A-12” Litigation The Boeing Company, General Dynamics Corporation, and the United States have formally asked the United States Court of Federal Claims to…
Owner of Houston Medical Equipment Companies Indicted for $3.4 Million Medicare Fraud Scheme
Owner of Houston Medical Equipment Companies Indicted for $ Million Medicare Fraud Scheme Huey P. Williams Jr., the owner and operator of two durable medical equipment (DME) companies, was arrested…