The Modest ECtHR Supervision of Spain´s Prison System
The Modest ECtHR Supervision of Spain´s Prison System Abstract The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has not yet ruled against Spain for breaching Article 3 of the European Convention…
‘We’ve all got a big story’: Experiences of a Trauma‐Informed Intervention in Prison
‘We've all got a big story’: Experiences of a Trauma‐Informed Intervention in Prison Abstract This article examines women's experiences of participating in ‘Healing Trauma’; a gender-responsive, trauma-informed intervention delivered in…
Rehabilitating Probation: Strategies for Re‐legitimation after Policy Failure
Rehabilitating Probation: Strategies for Re‐legitimation after Policy Failure Abstract This article draws on insights from the organisational studies literature to make sense of the recent history of probation in England…
With Age Comes Respect? And for Whom Exactly? A Quantitative Examination of White and BAME Prisoner Experiences of Respect Elicited through HM Inspectorate of Prisons Survey Responses
With Age Comes Respect? And for Whom Exactly? A Quantitative Examination of White and BAME Prisoner Experiences of Respect Elicited through HM Inspectorate of Prisons Survey Responses Abstract Through the…
Desistance: A Utopian Perspective
Desistance: A Utopian Perspective Abstract The written diaries of 43 adult male respondents from a prison sample that had participated in a restorative justice intervention reveal a nuanced and dynamic…
Artificial fairness? Trust in algorithmic police decision-making
Artificial fairness? Trust in algorithmic police decision-making Abstract Objectives Test whether (1) people view a policing decision made by an algorithm as more or less trustworthy than when an officer…
An Analysis of the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program: Outside Students’ Empathy, Social Connectedness, and Criminal Justice Activism
An Analysis of the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program: Outside Students’ Empathy, Social Connectedness, and Criminal Justice Activism . Elaine Fouché Read the syndicated article here
External locus of control and cognitive ability independently distinguish men in prison from community living non‐offending men
External locus of control and cognitive ability independently distinguish men in prison from community living non‐offending men Abstract Background The ability to cope with failure and subsequent feedback is crucial…
Defending ‘Co‐offending’ Women: Recognising Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control in ‘Joint Enterprise’ Cases Involving Women and their Intimate Partners
Defending ‘Co‐offending’ Women: Recognising Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control in ‘Joint Enterprise' Cases Involving Women and their Intimate Partners Abstract The role of coercive control in women's offending has been…
Inaccessible Justice: Exploring the Barriers to Justice and Fairness for Disabled People Accused of a Crime
Inaccessible Justice: Exploring the Barriers to Justice and Fairness for Disabled People Accused of a Crime Abstract Drawing on in-depth qualitative interviews with 15 people who have learning disabilities, brain…