A Voice Within: An Autoethnographic Account of Moving from Closed to Open Prison Conditions by a Life‐Sentenced Prisoner
A Voice Within: An Autoethnographic Account of Moving from Closed to Open Prison Conditions by a Life‐Sentenced Prisoner Abstract This article explores the lived experience of transitioning from closed to…
‘I’m Not Even Bothered if they Think, is that Autism?’: An Exploratory Study Assessing Autism Training Needs for Prison Officers in the Scottish Prison Service
‘I'm Not Even Bothered if they Think, is that Autism?’: An Exploratory Study Assessing Autism Training Needs for Prison Officers in the Scottish Prison Service Abstract Previous studies indicate that…
Violence, Control and Restraint: The Harms to Young Adults Particularly Upon Transition
Violence, Control and Restraint: The Harms to Young Adults Particularly Upon Transition Abstract The transition into the young adult/adult estate at age 18 years is marked by a significant loss…
Judging the legality of sexually violent tactics: a comparison between prosecuting attorneys in the United States and Colombia
Judging the legality of sexually violent tactics: a comparison between prosecuting attorneys in the United States and Colombia . Zoë D. Peterson Read the syndicated article here
U.S. policing as racialized violence and control: a qualitative assessment of black narratives from Ferguson, Missouri
policing as racialized violence and control: a qualitative assessment of black narratives from Ferguson, Missouri . Jason M. Williams Read the syndicated article here
Intergenerational continuity of crime among children of organized crime offenders in the Netherlands
Intergenerational continuity of crime among children of organized crime offenders in the Netherlands Read the syndicated article here
Deviance and Ethical Considerations in Online Biohacking Communities
Deviance and Ethical Considerations in Online Biohacking Communities . Maryja Šupa Read the syndicated article here
Exploring How Interactions between Race and Social Bonds Influence Substance Use: Findings from a Predominately Black Juvenile Sample
Exploring How Interactions between Race and Social Bonds Influence Substance Use: Findings from a Predominately Black Juvenile Sample . Tierra A. James Read the syndicated article here
Situating Crime Pattern Theory Into The Explanation Of Co-Offending: Considering Area-Level Convergence Spaces
Situating Crime Pattern Theory Into The Explanation Of Co-Offending: Considering Area-Level Convergence Spaces AbstractFeatures of the environment including activity nodes and the level of connectivity in spaces help offenders develop…
Between Remand and Verdict: Ethnic Minority Prisoners’ Legal and Penal Consciousness
Between Remand and Verdict: Ethnic Minority Prisoners’ Legal and Penal Consciousness AbstractThis article combines the analytical perspectives ‘legal’ and ‘penal’ consciousness in order to analyse how ethnic minority prisoners in…