A Voice Within: An Autoethnographic Account of Moving from Closed to Open Prison Conditions by a Life‐Sentenced Prisoner

A Voice Within: An Autoethnographic Account of Moving from Closed to Open Prison Conditions by a Life‐Sentenced Prisoner Abstract This article explores the lived experience of transitioning from closed to…
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‘I’m Not Even Bothered if they Think, is that Autism?’: An Exploratory Study Assessing Autism Training Needs for Prison Officers in the Scottish Prison Service

‘I'm Not Even Bothered if they Think, is that Autism?’: An Exploratory Study Assessing Autism Training Needs for Prison Officers in the Scottish Prison Service Abstract Previous studies indicate that…
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Judging the legality of sexually violent tactics: a comparison between prosecuting attorneys in the United States and Colombia

Judging the legality of sexually violent tactics: a comparison between prosecuting attorneys in the United States and Colombia . Zoë D. Peterson Read the syndicated article here
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U.S. policing as racialized violence and control: a qualitative assessment of black narratives from Ferguson, Missouri

policing as racialized violence and control: a qualitative assessment of black narratives from Ferguson, Missouri . Jason M. Williams Read the syndicated article here
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Exploring How Interactions between Race and Social Bonds Influence Substance Use: Findings from a Predominately Black Juvenile Sample

Exploring How Interactions between Race and Social Bonds Influence Substance Use: Findings from a Predominately Black Juvenile Sample . Tierra A. James Read the syndicated article here
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Situating Crime Pattern Theory Into The Explanation Of Co-Offending: Considering Area-Level Convergence Spaces

Situating Crime Pattern Theory Into The Explanation Of Co-Offending: Considering Area-Level Convergence Spaces AbstractFeatures of the environment including activity nodes and the level of connectivity in spaces help offenders develop…
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Between Remand and Verdict: Ethnic Minority Prisoners’ Legal and Penal Consciousness

Between Remand and Verdict: Ethnic Minority Prisoners’ Legal and Penal Consciousness AbstractThis article combines the analytical perspectives ‘legal’ and ‘penal’ consciousness in order to analyse how ethnic minority prisoners in…
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