Transnational Jihad as a Bundled Conflict-Constellation
. Go to Source Author: Mona Kanwal Sheikh
Homelessness during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Exploratory Study in Switzerland
Homelessness during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Exploratory Study in Switzerland . Lorena Molnar Read the syndicated article here
Parental Management on Juvenile Delinquency through Low Self-control And Misperception
Parental Management on Juvenile Delinquency through Low Self-control And Misperception . Hyunin Baek Read the syndicated article here
The forces that divide: understanding tension and unity among provincial correctional workers in Canada
Visit Criminal justice Studies . The forces that divide: understanding tension and unity among provincial correctional workers in Canada Laura McKendy Read the syndicated article here
An aversive racism explanation for the influence of race, SES, and race-stereotypical crimes on jury decision biases against East Asian American defendants
An aversive racism explanation for the influence of race, SES, and race-stereotypical crimes on jury decision biases against East Asian American defendants . Diana K. Phan Read the syndicated article…
Taking the Test: Participation in a Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exam as an Indicator of Victim Cooperation with the Criminal Justice System and a Predictor of Suspect Arrest
Taking the Test: Participation in a Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Exam as an Indicator of Victim Cooperation with the Criminal Justice System and a Predictor of Suspect Arrest . Heather…
Exploration of adverse patterns of placement of young people in secure care: The unwanted child?
Exploration of adverse patterns of placement of young people in secure care: The unwanted child? Abstract Background Emerging evidence suggests that distant placements and multiple moves may be detrimental to…
Enhancing Police Efficiency in Detecting Crime in Hong Kong
Enhancing Police Efficiency in Detecting Crime in Hong Kong Abstract In this study we examine how the process of crime detection by frontline and investigative police can be modified so…
Zero tolerance to sexual harm in schools – from broken rules to broken systems
Zero tolerance to sexual harm in schools – from broken rules to broken systems . Jenny Lloyd Read the syndicated article here
Comparing panic alarm systems for high-risk domestic abuse victims: a randomised controlled trial on prevention and criminal justice system outcomes
Comparing panic alarm systems for high-risk domestic abuse victims: a randomised controlled trial on prevention and criminal justice system outcomes Abstract Background The use of panic alarm systems for victims…
Burnout among lawyers: effects of workload, latitude and mediation via engagement and over-engagement
Burnout among lawyers: effects of workload, latitude and mediation via engagement and over-engagement . Marion Nickum Read the syndicated article here