Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems: supporting offender rehabilitation. S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds.) Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2021. 475pp. €53.49 (hbk); €42.79 (pbk) ISBN: 978‐3‐030‐70660‐9; 978‐3‐030‐70663‐0; open access ISBN: 978‐3‐030‐70661‐6 (ebk)

Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems: supporting offender rehabilitation. S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds.) Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature Switzerland AG.…
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Sentencing: A social process re‐thinking research and policy C. Tata Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 177pp. €58.84 (hbk); €46.00 (ebk) IBSN: 978‐3‐030‐01059‐1; 978‐3‐030‐01060‐7

Sentencing: A social process re‐thinking research and policy C. Tata Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 177pp. € (hbk); € (ebk) IBSN: 978‐3‐030‐01059‐1; 978‐3‐030‐01060‐7 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice,…
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Examining illicit networks in laboratory experiments with a preliminary focus on communication

Examining illicit networks in laboratory experiments with a preliminary focus on communication Abstract Purpose This research introduces a web application, the bot orchestrator, to assist researchers in developing paradigms to…
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Childhood family and neighbourhood socio‐economic status, psychopathy, and adult criminal behaviour

Childhood family and neighbourhood socio‐economic status, psychopathy, and adult criminal behaviour Abstract Purpose Lower socio-economic status (SES) and psychopathy are risk factors for criminal behaviour. This study examines whether psychopathic…
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