Life course outcomes and developmental pathways for children and young people with harmful sexual behaviour
Life course outcomes and developmental pathways for children and young people with harmful sexual behaviour . Simon Hackett Read the syndicated article here
Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems: supporting offender rehabilitation. S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds.) Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2021. 475pp. €53.49 (hbk); €42.79 (pbk) ISBN: 978‐3‐030‐70660‐9; 978‐3‐030‐70663‐0; open access ISBN: 978‐3‐030‐70661‐6 (ebk)
Improving interagency collaboration, innovation and learning in criminal justice systems: supporting offender rehabilitation. S. Hean, B. Johnsen, A. Kajamaa & L. Kloetzer (Eds.) Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature Switzerland AG.…
Sentencing: A social process re‐thinking research and policy C. Tata Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 177pp. €58.84 (hbk); €46.00 (ebk) IBSN: 978‐3‐030‐01059‐1; 978‐3‐030‐01060‐7
Sentencing: A social process re‐thinking research and policy C. Tata Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. 2020. 177pp. € (hbk); € (ebk) IBSN: 978‐3‐030‐01059‐1; 978‐3‐030‐01060‐7 The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice,…
Border Control Reinterpreted: Collective Memory and the Narrative Self
Border Control Reinterpreted: Collective Memory and the Narrative Self Abstract This article explores the potential of historical narratives to inform and guide action, taking the case of border control in…
Maternal filicide: risk factors for a death penalty outcome
Visit Criminal justice Studies . Maternal filicide: risk factors for a death penalty outcome Kathryn Farr Read the syndicated article here
Patterns of homicide in Sfax, Tunisia: A 9‐year cohort study (2011–2019)
Patterns of homicide in Sfax, Tunisia: A 9‐year cohort study (2011–2019) Abstract Introduction In Tunisia, since the January 2011 revolution, there has been considerable media interest in violence, particularly homicides.…
Examining illicit networks in laboratory experiments with a preliminary focus on communication
Examining illicit networks in laboratory experiments with a preliminary focus on communication Abstract Purpose This research introduces a web application, the bot orchestrator, to assist researchers in developing paradigms to…
Childhood family and neighbourhood socio‐economic status, psychopathy, and adult criminal behaviour
Childhood family and neighbourhood socio‐economic status, psychopathy, and adult criminal behaviour Abstract Purpose Lower socio-economic status (SES) and psychopathy are risk factors for criminal behaviour. This study examines whether psychopathic…
Prosecuting from the bench? Examining sources of pro‐prosecution bias in judges
Prosecuting from the bench? Examining sources of pro‐prosecution bias in judges Abstract Although judges may be well intended when taking an oath to be impartial when they reach the bench,…