College Students’ and Alumnus’ Knowledge and Perceptions of a Mandatory Online Sexual Assault Training
College Students’ and Alumnus’ Knowledge and Perceptions of a Mandatory Online Sexual Assault Training . Brittany L. Acquaviva Read the syndicated article here
“The Subject Matter Should Be an Adequate Trigger Warning”: How and Why Criminology and Criminal Justice Faculty Use (and Don’t Use) Trigger Warnings
“The Subject Matter Should Be an Adequate Trigger Warning”: How and Why Criminology and Criminal Justice Faculty Use (and Don’t Use) Trigger Warnings . Alison C. Cares Read the syndicated…
“Successful” Offending: The Salience of Performance Criteria for Understanding and Addressing Crime
“Successful” Offending: The Salience of Performance Criteria for Understanding and Addressing Crime . Daniel P. Mears Read the syndicated article here
Women who die in custody: What Australian coroners’ reports tell us
Women who die in custody: What Australian coroners’ reports tell us Abstract Women's deaths in custody remain under-researched around the world. This article reports on a large-scale study on deaths…
The Role of Perceived Injustice and Need for Esteem on Incel Membership Online
The Role of Perceived Injustice and Need for Esteem on Incel Membership Online . Roberta Liggett O’Malley Read the syndicated article here
Coroners’ perspectives on deaths in custody in Australia
Coroners' perspectives on deaths in custody in Australia Publication date: December 2022Source: International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, Volume 71Author(s): Tamara Walsh, Eashwar Alagappan, Lucy Cornwell Read the syndicated…
Back to Basics: A Critical Examination of the Focal Concerns Framework from the Perspective of Judges
Back to Basics: A Critical Examination of the Focal Concerns Framework from the Perspective of Judges . Jeffery T. Ulmer Read the syndicated article here
Battle for Allegiance: Governments, Terrorist Groups, and Constituencies in Conflict
Battle for Allegiance: Governments, Terrorist Groups, and Constituencies in Conflict . Gizem Akşit Ergen Read the syndicated article here
A Call to Dissent: Defending Democracy Against Extremism and Populism
A Call to Dissent: Defending Democracy Against Extremism and Populism . Keeley Townsend Read the syndicated article here
Religion, Extremism and Violence in South Asia
Religion, Extremism and Violence in South Asia . Neela Hassan Read the syndicated article here